Thursday, October 24, 2013

Saving the World

I woke up this morning and I had dreamed about a meeting with several people including several politicians and we were discussing how to change the world for the better. They were trying to figure out what influences people the most when they go to vote for specific candidates. The dialog was heated and finally I stood up and told them all, " The only thing that will change how people vote is when they have a change of heart. 93% of people will vote differently when they know Christ personally!" The room was quiet. They were not sure how to respond. I woke up still thinking about it.

Now where I got my statistics, I do not know. I dreamed this. But I will admit to searching the Internet to see if my statistic had any basis in facts. Sadly I didn't find any. I don't know about the 93%, but I know for me that  how I vote and my political activism is because of my faith in God and how I see the world because of that.

Yet as I searched the web, I realized that many people have a passion for something and that is what motivates them to be active in their causes. Some want to save our earth and are really involved with environmental issues. Some love animals and even how they eat is affected. We have peace movements who want to stop war at all costs. There are groups out there that are anti-Islamist, anti-Christian, anti-government. They band together by what they hate rather than by what they love. All of them believe, at least for a time, that their way is best and they should fight for it. Their way will make the world a better place to live. They will "save the world."

But the more I thought about it, the less I believed that any of them had the answers. I went back to my dream. The only thing that will really change the world is when people's hearts are changed and their actions follow. My way of being involved with politics isn't bad, but may not be the best way to spend my time either. Government cannot save us. I have been challenged by a dream and then by my research. An article I read said, "Nowhere in Scripture do we have the directive to spend our energy, our time, or our money in governmental affairs. Our mission lies not in changing the nation through political reform, but in changing hearts through the Word of God." That's not to say we just give up on politics. We still should vote and encourage good candidates who support our values to run. I don't believe we quit on it when God has given us that passion to serve in politics. I do think we have to keep our perspective balanced though and realize that while God can use every aspect of our lives, even politics, He works through other things, too. Maybe more so.

So what does this all mean? For me, it means I need to examine the time, energy and money I spend on political involvement and see if that is what God is continuing to call me to. Or should I, somehow, somewhere, be involved in another way of helping people to see that only in God will there be any true answers to the world's problems? Should I be investing myself more fully in pointing the way to Jesus? Because, really, culture, the world, can only be changed as hearts of individuals are changed. We can only "save the world" as people are saved by Jesus and their lives are transformed by Him. Then we will see a world that is truly changed for the better. Jesus is all that can really save the world. I just have to figure out my part in all of that.  I want to do my part, yet remembering His part is what is truly the most important! Jesus saves!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pray Without Ceasing

I am so busy. How would I pray without ceasing? It seemed impossible. I just heard a young woman talk about how she has committed to praying a half hour each day and I was impressed with her dedication. But is that praying without ceasing? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to do it so it must be possible.

We pray every morning, at meals, and at bedtime. But that still isn't without ceasing. I wanted prayer to come as easily as breathing; then maybe it would be without ceasing. Part of it is my attitude. I need to want to be in communication with my Lord. He doesn't need me to be praying all the time, but He knows I need to be in sweet fellowship with Him.

To have a relationship with someone you must communicate with them. If you never speak, write letters, or otherwise communicate, you can not have a meaningful relationship. You can't get to know someone well without talking to them. God desires us to know Him and we must communicate with Him in order to know Him. If we are to develop trust, we have to develop the relationship and that requires communication.

I knew I wanted to have that relationship with God and that I wanted to pray without ceasing so I could develop that relationship. So I read some books on prayer. I listened to others pray. I prayed. But I needed reminders, markers, to help me keep in the attitude of prayer. I heard of one man who set his watch alarm for every 15 minutes to remind him to pray. That might work, but it might annoy everyone around you as well!

I needed connections that would remind me to pray. So I came up with specific ones to help me pray specifically. When I hear a siren, I pray for the victims of whatever is happening, but also for the responders. My son is in law enforcement, so for me, this is very important, as I know some of the tough situations he faces. Another son is in the military so anything military related can remind me to pray for the troops and for their families. I put up a bulletin board in my bedroom and I can post pictures, names, whatever, to remind me to pray for certain people. Driving by a church might be a reminder to pray for my pastor or pastors in general. When something reminds me of someone, I can use that to remember to pray for that person. A gift given to me can make me pray for the giver. You can pray for your family members as you fold their clothes. You can be thankful as you wash dishes or clean house. A walk through the neighborhood can mean you pray for all the neighbors. Insomnia at night prompts me to pray through the whole family and then friends, church, and more- depending how long I am awake! Photos in your house can remind you, too. Some are on the refrigerator; others framed or on a bulletin board. There are so many ways to put up markers to remind yourself to pray. Be creative!

 Besides your own markers, the Holy Spirit will nudge you to pray for others, too. When you get used to communing with God, you will hear Him more, too. People will pop into your head and you will know that you should be praying for them. The Holy Spirit will lead you into more prayer.

When you get in the habit of prayer and use the markers that you have set up for yourself to remember, you will pray more. Some are only a sentence. We sometimes say, "Thank you, Lord, for the sunshine." or "Lord , help ___________", "Lord, be with __________." It isn't always the half hour; it may be just those sentences that recognize God's sovereignty and our trust in Him. Sometimes you may need to have the half hour or more, but not always. God hears our moans, our utterances, our sighs even. It can become as easy as breathing. He is there waiting for us, listening to us, desiring us to come to Him. He wants us to have a relationship with Him.

The more you pray, the closer you will get to God. And the more you pray, the more others will ask you to pray. If others know you are a prayer warrior and that you are sincere in doing it when you say you will, they will want your prayers. I always feel privileged when others ask me to pray for them. They trust me to do it and it draws me closer to God, too.

Pray without ceasing? It's not impossible. It's an attitude, a way of life. When you say, "Thank God!" Mean it as a prayer. When you say, "Lord, help me!" Say it as a prayer. Let those expressions be real.
Notice your world, the people around you, and talk to God about it all. Breathe in air; breathe out prayer. Pray without ceasing. It will bless you and others!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tooth Decay and Healing

I have never liked going to the dentist and lately that feeling has intensified. Every time I go, I have a problem, pain, and then more delayed pain afterwards. Sometimes it is 5 days later; sometimes a week or more. I talked to my dentist about it and he said he had never heard of such a thing. The pain afterwards should be immediate if it were at all. It seems to me to be where I received the anesthetic.  Because I really dislike mouth pain, I really don't like to go, knowing I will suffer later. So I have put off going to the dentist often.

Finally I had had enough and decided to go in and have my dentist tell me all that had to be done to make it all better. I had an exam and x-rays. I scheduled my first appointment and it was over an hour long. I was tense and uncomfortable. I did survive. But I didn't immediately make the next appointment. I should have. Another tooth started hurting. I called and was given a prescription for antibiotics and pain pills. The pain didn't persist so I didn't take the prescription. I hate taking pills.

We went camping and I forgot my pills. I had hoped I wouldn't need them. Well... I did need them. But on another tooth. And it really hurt bad. When we got back home, I called my dentist the next day. They didn't get back to me right away. I really was in pain. I had not slept hardly at all. I felt worthless and could hardly function. Unbeknownst to me my husband called the dentist office, too, and then they called me back and told me to come in right away. They would work me in as they could. Apparently my husband can be very persuasive! I was told that my nerve was dead. I asked why there was so much pain if my nerve was dead. My dentist told me the tooth was infected all the way to the bone, and the pain wasn't going away anytime soon.

I am on the 4th day of throbbing pain and little sleep. I am not getting hardly anything done. I have little energy and am tired. I do not deal with the sharp pain well and have tried many home remedies to get by. Alternating heat and cold seem to help most along with alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen. The Vicodin prescription makes me fuzzy minded, dizzy, and tired, so I only take it at night if I can't get through the night.

I have been miserable; I am still miserable, just to a bit lesser degree. I have typed this blog. I will do dishes today. So I guess I am better.

Tomorrow I go to the dentist again. I am scared. I know in the long run, it will help, but I know I will have pain and I don't like pain. When the pain is gone, I will be thankful. And when I chew my food without pain next time, I won't take it for granted. I don't think I will anyway.

I went to the dentist and he sent me home! He didn't want to start anything else until we had this cleared up. My jaw is still swollen and it has been almost a week. I am eating more things and the throbbing isn't continuous. I have hope of healing.

At a Radiant Purity  conference for girls that I took my 12 year old to this weekend, one of the speakers asked us if we had ever had a cavity. She asked if we had ever had it get infected. I could relate! I had the swelling to prove it! She compared it to sin in our lives that we need to root out and clean out. You can't just cover it up with a filling. You have to drill out the bad stuff first. Then you can fix it. We all have things in our lives that need dealing with, that need to be fixed. We have things we need to get rid of.  Sometimes pain comes with that. Then we can get on with the healing.

I am looking forward to the healing! I can't wait to chew without pain again. I look forward to closing my mouth without a sharp jab. But I also am asking the Lord to reveal if there is anything else that needs to be rooted out, drilled away, decay to be cleaned out of my life. I might as well do it now. I don't like pain and I am looking forward to healing.