Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Advent should be a time of expectation, a time of looking ahead and preparing. But for what?

If you are like me, you have made your Christmas lists. There is a list for gifts, for cookies and candies, for Christmas cards, for activities, and even a to do list with everything scheduled. I want to make sure I get it all done.

But have I included time to read my Bible so I can marvel anew at the Christmas story? Am I enjoying the decorations and lights? Am I tasting and savoring the flavors of all I bake? Am I feeling the joy?

Sometimes I forget to just enjoy the holiday season. I just get too busy. Yet I really love Christmas. I love all of it. So I am committed to find ways to have fun with it. I will say Merry Christmas more! I will smile. I might wear crazy earrings or sparkly clothes. We are listening to Christmas carols. We are  watching Christmas movies and I will read the favorite Christmas stories.

And I am looking for ways to share Jesus this Christmas season. I want to be His hand and feet. I want to meet some needs this season. I am praying God will show me the who and when.

I want to see Jesus this Christmas and I want others to see Him because of me. I am living in expectation and I will find joy this season! I am excited!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hard Work of Being a Christian

It's hard work to be a Christian. So much is expected of you. It makes you think and act differently. You have to guard your thoughts and your words. There are rules to obey. We are to have a servant heart. Being a Christian changes who you are.

 I need to be perfectly clear. It is not hard to become a Christian. We do nothing to be saved, to become a Christian, except to accept His grace and mercy. Jesus has paid it all. We believe: Jesus offers us eternal life. We are saved by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2: 8, 9)

That's the easy part. But living as a Christian is hard. We have to choose to live as God wants us to. He doesn't force us. We become new creatures, yet it is a battle of wills. My will will constantly battle His will for me. Even though I am a Christian I sometimes just want to sleep in on Sunday mornings. Sometimes I feel like voicing my anger at a stupid driver. I want to speed. I don't want to be kind to those who mistreat me. I don't always want to give my money, or time, or myself. I often would like to ignore others' needs. I don't always choose to pray or read my Bible. I am not a bad person, but sometimes I want to think of myself first. I can be selfish. After all, the world tells me I deserve a break. I should treat myself well.  I often put my desires before what God desires for me.

I haven't done the big sins. I have never murdered or stole anything big. I have not broken any laws that require prosecution. I don't have any big sexual sins. I am a nice person. But without Christ's blood covering me, I am a sinner. Period. God doesn't rate sin. We are all sinners. We all have broken His Laws. We are not perfect. I am not perfect. But I am a sinner saved by grace. That is what makes me different.

His grace and mercy are what changes me and makes me different. I am loved completely. I belong to God's family. My identity comes from the God who created me. He says He created me for a purpose. He has a plan for my life. (Jeremiah 29; 11) I am secure in who He made me to be. Because of those truths, I choose to live differently.

I do get up early on Sunday mornings and go to church. I want to worship with other believers. I am careful of what I say. I try not to swear. I try to obey laws. I care about people because Christ cares for me. I want others to see a difference in me. I seek to commune with God. I seek His will. I read HIs word so I know what He is like and how He wants me to live. I want my faith to brand me. I want others to wonder what is different about me. I want them to ask. I want to be real enough in this walk so they will want to know what is different about me.

I fail everyday though. I am human and I often act just like I feel rather than how I should. Yet God forgives and always gives me a second chance. I don't always do it right, but I will do the hard work of being a Christian. If I am to have the name of Christ on me, I need to live differently. I need to make the hard choices. I hope you will see it in me and I hope I will see it in you. Together we can do the hard work and reap the joys of our hearts. Because serving Him does bring joy in spite of the hard work.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Saving the World

I woke up this morning and I had dreamed about a meeting with several people including several politicians and we were discussing how to change the world for the better. They were trying to figure out what influences people the most when they go to vote for specific candidates. The dialog was heated and finally I stood up and told them all, " The only thing that will change how people vote is when they have a change of heart. 93% of people will vote differently when they know Christ personally!" The room was quiet. They were not sure how to respond. I woke up still thinking about it.

Now where I got my statistics, I do not know. I dreamed this. But I will admit to searching the Internet to see if my statistic had any basis in facts. Sadly I didn't find any. I don't know about the 93%, but I know for me that  how I vote and my political activism is because of my faith in God and how I see the world because of that.

Yet as I searched the web, I realized that many people have a passion for something and that is what motivates them to be active in their causes. Some want to save our earth and are really involved with environmental issues. Some love animals and even how they eat is affected. We have peace movements who want to stop war at all costs. There are groups out there that are anti-Islamist, anti-Christian, anti-government. They band together by what they hate rather than by what they love. All of them believe, at least for a time, that their way is best and they should fight for it. Their way will make the world a better place to live. They will "save the world."

But the more I thought about it, the less I believed that any of them had the answers. I went back to my dream. The only thing that will really change the world is when people's hearts are changed and their actions follow. My way of being involved with politics isn't bad, but may not be the best way to spend my time either. Government cannot save us. I have been challenged by a dream and then by my research. An article I read said, "Nowhere in Scripture do we have the directive to spend our energy, our time, or our money in governmental affairs. Our mission lies not in changing the nation through political reform, but in changing hearts through the Word of God." That's not to say we just give up on politics. We still should vote and encourage good candidates who support our values to run. I don't believe we quit on it when God has given us that passion to serve in politics. I do think we have to keep our perspective balanced though and realize that while God can use every aspect of our lives, even politics, He works through other things, too. Maybe more so.

So what does this all mean? For me, it means I need to examine the time, energy and money I spend on political involvement and see if that is what God is continuing to call me to. Or should I, somehow, somewhere, be involved in another way of helping people to see that only in God will there be any true answers to the world's problems? Should I be investing myself more fully in pointing the way to Jesus? Because, really, culture, the world, can only be changed as hearts of individuals are changed. We can only "save the world" as people are saved by Jesus and their lives are transformed by Him. Then we will see a world that is truly changed for the better. Jesus is all that can really save the world. I just have to figure out my part in all of that.  I want to do my part, yet remembering His part is what is truly the most important! Jesus saves!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pray Without Ceasing

I am so busy. How would I pray without ceasing? It seemed impossible. I just heard a young woman talk about how she has committed to praying a half hour each day and I was impressed with her dedication. But is that praying without ceasing? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to do it so it must be possible.

We pray every morning, at meals, and at bedtime. But that still isn't without ceasing. I wanted prayer to come as easily as breathing; then maybe it would be without ceasing. Part of it is my attitude. I need to want to be in communication with my Lord. He doesn't need me to be praying all the time, but He knows I need to be in sweet fellowship with Him.

To have a relationship with someone you must communicate with them. If you never speak, write letters, or otherwise communicate, you can not have a meaningful relationship. You can't get to know someone well without talking to them. God desires us to know Him and we must communicate with Him in order to know Him. If we are to develop trust, we have to develop the relationship and that requires communication.

I knew I wanted to have that relationship with God and that I wanted to pray without ceasing so I could develop that relationship. So I read some books on prayer. I listened to others pray. I prayed. But I needed reminders, markers, to help me keep in the attitude of prayer. I heard of one man who set his watch alarm for every 15 minutes to remind him to pray. That might work, but it might annoy everyone around you as well!

I needed connections that would remind me to pray. So I came up with specific ones to help me pray specifically. When I hear a siren, I pray for the victims of whatever is happening, but also for the responders. My son is in law enforcement, so for me, this is very important, as I know some of the tough situations he faces. Another son is in the military so anything military related can remind me to pray for the troops and for their families. I put up a bulletin board in my bedroom and I can post pictures, names, whatever, to remind me to pray for certain people. Driving by a church might be a reminder to pray for my pastor or pastors in general. When something reminds me of someone, I can use that to remember to pray for that person. A gift given to me can make me pray for the giver. You can pray for your family members as you fold their clothes. You can be thankful as you wash dishes or clean house. A walk through the neighborhood can mean you pray for all the neighbors. Insomnia at night prompts me to pray through the whole family and then friends, church, and more- depending how long I am awake! Photos in your house can remind you, too. Some are on the refrigerator; others framed or on a bulletin board. There are so many ways to put up markers to remind yourself to pray. Be creative!

 Besides your own markers, the Holy Spirit will nudge you to pray for others, too. When you get used to communing with God, you will hear Him more, too. People will pop into your head and you will know that you should be praying for them. The Holy Spirit will lead you into more prayer.

When you get in the habit of prayer and use the markers that you have set up for yourself to remember, you will pray more. Some are only a sentence. We sometimes say, "Thank you, Lord, for the sunshine." or "Lord , help ___________", "Lord, be with __________." It isn't always the half hour; it may be just those sentences that recognize God's sovereignty and our trust in Him. Sometimes you may need to have the half hour or more, but not always. God hears our moans, our utterances, our sighs even. It can become as easy as breathing. He is there waiting for us, listening to us, desiring us to come to Him. He wants us to have a relationship with Him.

The more you pray, the closer you will get to God. And the more you pray, the more others will ask you to pray. If others know you are a prayer warrior and that you are sincere in doing it when you say you will, they will want your prayers. I always feel privileged when others ask me to pray for them. They trust me to do it and it draws me closer to God, too.

Pray without ceasing? It's not impossible. It's an attitude, a way of life. When you say, "Thank God!" Mean it as a prayer. When you say, "Lord, help me!" Say it as a prayer. Let those expressions be real.
Notice your world, the people around you, and talk to God about it all. Breathe in air; breathe out prayer. Pray without ceasing. It will bless you and others!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tooth Decay and Healing

I have never liked going to the dentist and lately that feeling has intensified. Every time I go, I have a problem, pain, and then more delayed pain afterwards. Sometimes it is 5 days later; sometimes a week or more. I talked to my dentist about it and he said he had never heard of such a thing. The pain afterwards should be immediate if it were at all. It seems to me to be where I received the anesthetic.  Because I really dislike mouth pain, I really don't like to go, knowing I will suffer later. So I have put off going to the dentist often.

Finally I had had enough and decided to go in and have my dentist tell me all that had to be done to make it all better. I had an exam and x-rays. I scheduled my first appointment and it was over an hour long. I was tense and uncomfortable. I did survive. But I didn't immediately make the next appointment. I should have. Another tooth started hurting. I called and was given a prescription for antibiotics and pain pills. The pain didn't persist so I didn't take the prescription. I hate taking pills.

We went camping and I forgot my pills. I had hoped I wouldn't need them. Well... I did need them. But on another tooth. And it really hurt bad. When we got back home, I called my dentist the next day. They didn't get back to me right away. I really was in pain. I had not slept hardly at all. I felt worthless and could hardly function. Unbeknownst to me my husband called the dentist office, too, and then they called me back and told me to come in right away. They would work me in as they could. Apparently my husband can be very persuasive! I was told that my nerve was dead. I asked why there was so much pain if my nerve was dead. My dentist told me the tooth was infected all the way to the bone, and the pain wasn't going away anytime soon.

I am on the 4th day of throbbing pain and little sleep. I am not getting hardly anything done. I have little energy and am tired. I do not deal with the sharp pain well and have tried many home remedies to get by. Alternating heat and cold seem to help most along with alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen. The Vicodin prescription makes me fuzzy minded, dizzy, and tired, so I only take it at night if I can't get through the night.

I have been miserable; I am still miserable, just to a bit lesser degree. I have typed this blog. I will do dishes today. So I guess I am better.

Tomorrow I go to the dentist again. I am scared. I know in the long run, it will help, but I know I will have pain and I don't like pain. When the pain is gone, I will be thankful. And when I chew my food without pain next time, I won't take it for granted. I don't think I will anyway.

I went to the dentist and he sent me home! He didn't want to start anything else until we had this cleared up. My jaw is still swollen and it has been almost a week. I am eating more things and the throbbing isn't continuous. I have hope of healing.

At a Radiant Purity  conference for girls that I took my 12 year old to this weekend, one of the speakers asked us if we had ever had a cavity. She asked if we had ever had it get infected. I could relate! I had the swelling to prove it! She compared it to sin in our lives that we need to root out and clean out. You can't just cover it up with a filling. You have to drill out the bad stuff first. Then you can fix it. We all have things in our lives that need dealing with, that need to be fixed. We have things we need to get rid of.  Sometimes pain comes with that. Then we can get on with the healing.

I am looking forward to the healing! I can't wait to chew without pain again. I look forward to closing my mouth without a sharp jab. But I also am asking the Lord to reveal if there is anything else that needs to be rooted out, drilled away, decay to be cleaned out of my life. I might as well do it now. I don't like pain and I am looking forward to healing.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Apples, Apples, Apples

Fall at our house is synonymous with apple harvest. We have about 9 trees that bear fruit, whenever and how much they choose each season. This year is a good bearing year. Even though I did not spray my trees this year, my apples are wonderful. No bugs, no worms. Several of the trees did very well.

So now it is time to use all those apples!

Apple pie, apple bread, apple strudel, apple juice, apple turnovers, applesauce, apple fruit leather, dried apples, fried apples, apple piekins, apple pie bars, apple cake, apple crisp... You get the picture!

 And we are not done.

We have yet to make apple rolls, apple dumplings, apple topped cheesecake, apple upside down gingerbread, apple jam, apple syrup, apple salad, apple butter, apple pancakes, apple cobbler, caramel apples, apple coffeecake, apple muffins, apple cookies...

We do actually get tired of them and then we freeze them! (For later!)

I used to can hundreds of jars of vegetables, but with a smaller family at home, I have quit that. But I love my apple trees and how they provide so much variety for us in our desserts and meals.
God has blessed us!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Who's My Friend"

Today in church we heard the story of the man who fell into a pit and cried out for help. A doctor walked by and when the man asked for help, the doctor stopped and wrote a prescription and tossed it in the hole. A pastor also walked by and the man cried out again. The pastor told him he would pray for him. The third man that walked by was the man's friend. When the man cried out for help, the friend jumped right in the pit with him. The man asked his friend why he jumped in and the friend replied," I jumped in with you because I have been here before and I know how to get out!"

Have you ever felt like the man in the pit? Have you ever cried out for help and felt no one was there for you? Did you ever just feel stuck and alone?

Or can you relate to the pastor or doctor who only wanted to help if it didn't take too much from them? Or are you instead the friend ready to jump in the pit with the man?

I think I have been all of them at different times. I have been in the pit and I  have not been helpful to the one in the pit. But at times, I have been the friend. I wonder though if I have been the friend often enough...

A young woman in church was visibly upset today. She is someone I don't really know. I see her almost every week, but I don't even know her name. Yet I knew from the moment I saw her that something was wrong. I could read her face and see her pain. I watched her the entire service not knowing if I should approach her or not. I didn't want to make it worse. Finally at the end of the service, I made my way to her to see if I could help or pray with her. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "Who is my friend like that?" She cried as she said it and my heart broke for her. I had no good answer for her. I tried to encourage her, to tell her I would pray for her, and I told her I cared about her. I am not sure it was enough.

It really made me think. Am I that friend to others? Have I missed out in not jumping in the pit with others? I keep hearing her say,"Who is my friend like that?" I wonder how many others in church were feeling the same way. How many opportunities do we lose out on to be a real friend? Will I be ready to jump in the pit to help a friend out next time?

I am praying my eyes will be opened and my heart ready to respond. I want to be that friend whenever God asks me to.

Monday, August 19, 2013

For Me? For Others?

So much of what we choose to do is based on what will I get out of it? We all live such busy lives and so we choose carefully what to be involved in. We want to make sure it benefits us or our family. As fall approaches and the busy season of school is starting up again, we are all weighing the importance of what things to give our limited time to. We need to do a priority check.

What are the reasons to choose one activity over another? How do we decide the benefits will be worth our time? Is it the pleasure it will give us? Will we or someone in our family learn from it? Is it an experience we want to try? Will it bring future benefits? Those are questions we ask ourselves, but what if we asked a different question?

 What if we decided on our activities by something else entirely? What if our choices were made not to benefit us, but to benefit others? What would it be like if we prioritized our activities by how we served others? What if we weighed everything we did by how it would minister to someone else?

I wonder what benefits we and our family would receive with that kind of servant attitude. How many blessings would come our way? How many lives would touch us as we reached out to them? I can't even imagine the lessons we would learn.

I serve with a few volunteer groups and the lament is always that no one wants to help. We are always struggling to find more people willing to do something. While many believe in the cause, few will do the work. They are just too busy! And we all are, but are we busy with the right things?

Are all the things we are busy with for ourselves and not others? Who are we serving? Are we using our heart's passion to touch other lives? Are we intentional in doing that? Do we plan it? Or does it only happen when we have no choice, when we are pushed into the doing of service for others?

As I plan my fall, winter, year, I am reconsidering my priorities. Who am I reaching out to? Whose lives am I touching? Am I on the path God created me to walk on? Am I where I should be? Am I willing to go down a different path? When I am in that right place, my heart is filled with joy and that joy flows out to others.

Someone once told me many of our choices are between good things, even very good things, but we should choose those that are excellent. What is more excellent than serving others, seeing others with a God perspective? I want to strive for that.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I am a writer!

You know you are a writer when…

No. I am not published. So I am not an author…Maybe someday?

 But I am a writer. Because I have to be. I was created that way.

 When others need to call someone to express themselves over a hurt or to re-live a joy, I need a pen and paper.  I just have to write it. That’s what makes me a writer. It’s how I vent.  It’s how I find a smile again. It’s how I think things through. It’s not enough to say it. I must write it.

 I have multiple notebooks full of my ramblings. They may never mean much to anyone else, but they have helped me to keep my sanity. And sometimes my temper. I can rant and never offend. I can lecture and not have someone be turned off by my passion. I can get sentimental and weepy, and not embarrass myself or others. I can be silly and imagine things I wouldn’t want to share.

 Writing is an outlet for my emotions, my thoughts, and my spirit. I can be fully me, unchecked. It is my safety net, my Ebenezer, or memorial stone. Writing is a survival tool for me. It is part of who I am. I am a writer.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Health : Do we take it for granted?

Today my brother-in-law is having triple bypass surgery. I am praying this surgery is successful and really makes a difference in his quality of life. This isn't his first brush with mortality. He had an abdominal aneurysm and a brain aneurysm before. Both of these surgeries were very risky, too. He made it through both of them. We were thankful God preserved him and we are praying God will be with him in this surgery as well.

It makes me think though how often we take our good health for granted. Another relative had a heart attack last year and he is only a few months older than I am. I have a nephew whose 18 month old daughter is dealing with leukemia. We don't think about our health unless we or someone we know is sick.

How often do you thank God for your breath? We just breathe because it is a normal function of our body. When my father-in-law went through lung cancer and he struggled for each breath, I became more thankful for each breath I could take. When we have a cold or allergies, we may experience that discomfort to a small degree, but we can still breathe.

Our body is a magnificent creation with so many parts that all have to work together so we can live. God has created us so intricately and so wonderfully. We need to do our part to take care of ourselves. We often don't realize the harm we do to our bodies by not eating right or by not exercising or by doing something bad to it. We take it for granted until we are forced to pay attention to it.

As I age, I ache more when I do something out of the ordinary. My body doesn't respond like it used to, and yet, at times, I know I am more comfortable in it and worry less about it. God made me and I know "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" as the Psalmist says in Psalm 139. I rejoice in that and in my heart know I belong to Him who made me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Do children play outside?

When I was a child, I loved being outside. I couldn't wait to finish my chores so I could get out and play. I rode my bicycle, went to the playground, went to the beach, ran through sprinklers, and played with my friends. We played Annie, Annie, Over! We would get kids together and play football, kickball, tag, and hide and seek, plus other games. We went for walks. We camped out in our backyard. I had horses for a couple of years so I rode horse all the time during that time.  It was hot. We didn't have air conditioning, but we survived. We didn't have any reason to be in the house. TV was reruns in the summer and we stayed out until it was dark out. I took my dog for walks. I went to the zoo. We had fun outside.

I know the world is a different place than it was. We don't allow our children to go so many places alone. Or at least I don't! But kids just don't play outside like they used to. I went to the Twin Cities last Sunday and as we traveled through some small towns and neighborhoods, I didn't see any kids outside in their yards playing. It was warm out so maybe they were inside enjoying their air conditioning. I only saw one boy riding a bike and then some at a carnival. I saw children out riding those rides. Are the kids inside with video games? Are they watching TV or DVD's? Maybe some were at a beach or on vacation? I actually saw more adults out walking, but no children.

Do we worry about childhood obesity more now because the kids aren't out playing? Why aren't they? What are they doing instead?

I haven't thought about it a lot because we live out in the country and we are blessed to have a place with a swing set, sandbox, and pool. We have room to run and play tag and hide and seek. We have a kids' playhouse. We encourage our children and grandchildren  to go out and play. After a wet spring, we have had too many mosquitoes, and that has hampered our outside play some. But when we can be outside, we are. God's world is so incredible; we should enjoy it. Our summers are so short here; we need to make the most of them.

Do you and your children go out to play? What are your favorite activities outside?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Boredom? Never!

Recently someone commented on their kids being bored in the summer, almost wishing for school to fill their time. I couldn't relate. Bored rarely happens at my house. Sometimes there is a
restlessness when nothing in particular appeals at  the moment... Or when something elusive  is tugging at us to do or try something different. That restlessness often just means we need to get out of the house or we should do something new.

I don't understand being bored. There's never enough time to do all we want to do. Sometimes it's a matter of not being able to choose how to spend any extra time. Occasionally we choose to sit back and relax. We may appear bored, but ahh... to just do nothing is a blessing. We all need to refuel and rest, too.

How do we keep from being bored? First, we love to read. There is always a new book to fall into and explore. There are whole other worlds to be a part of. We can go to other time periods, places, and have experiences with people we would otherwise never meet! We like fiction, biographies, non-fiction, magazines, newspapers, blogs, Facebook...Did I mention we really like reading?

We also like to create. We sew, cook, bake, do crafts, garden some and more. We each have our own specialties and enjoy a variety of activities.

We also like to travel. We camp, visit historical sites, attend local festivals and fairs. We love seeing new places and people.

The outdoors are great to explore, too. We ride motorcycles, dirt bikes, and 4-wheelers. We hike and swim. We boat and go tubing behind it. We occasionally take out a canoe, a paddle boat, or sailboat. Sometimes we fish. The girls like to bicycle. The guys hunt. There is so much to enjoy outside!

Volunteering keeps us from being too me-centered so we look for ways to be involved in our community and church. We are also very politically involved. One of my daughters hopes to help with a local community project; another helped out at the library recently. We like to serve. We meet new people with common interests. It's a great way to use your time.

We also like to have company. Whether it's family or friends, our house is always opening itself to guests. We enjoy people so are blessed by those who come to visit.

Of course, we have the everyday chores to do, too. Laundry doesn't do itself nor do dishes wash themselves. We like to eat so meals must be cooked. The grass keeps growing and the dust multiplies. Our everyday work must happen, too, but we often share the tasks and that helps!

Ohh... We like to write, too! We blog, write in journals, FB, etc.. We play BOGGLE, Words With Friends, Scrabble, Bananagrams, and other word games. We like words.

Bored? Rarely! Indecisive about what to do? Sometimes! There's always something calling to us!

What about you? Do you get bored? How do you solve it?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Where Are the Christian Young Men?

I sat in church on Sunday and people watched a bit. I also worshiped and listened to a very good sermon. But as I reflected on my whole experience and thought some more about the people, I thought about who I saw there. And who wasn't there. I started thinking about the young men I saw. One young man in front of me had long hair in  a ponytail, and a headband. He was in shorts and looked as though he wasn't sure if he wanted to be there. His participation was minimal. I realize this could be misconstrued as judging, but really I am just recording my observations. A few rows up, there was a young man who was very much in worship mode, arms raised and singing every song. He had rapt attention for the pastor's words. He was with a group from a local drug rehab center. The first young man had grown up in the church; the second had come from a difficult past. One seemed bored; one seemed enraptured. I admit to taking some liberties here as I don't know either of the young men, just their current circumstances.

As I sat with my two daughters, I thought about which young man would make a better potential mate. I long for my daughters to marry someone someday who loves Jesus even more than they love my daughter. So if I were to choose from my observations, would I choose the guy who grew up in the church, but who didn't seem too excited about being there now? Or would I choose someone who is new to the faith, but on fire for now at least? I am glad I don't have to choose. I will instead pray for God to lead my daughters to the right man for her.

But back to my original question... Where have all the young men gone? As I looked around, I didn't see many at church that were unmarried, unattached, potential suitors for the young women I know. I know 4 young women in their early 30's who are Christian, professional women that are all single. Who will step up to the plate to court these young women? I know more that are 18-30. Many of these young women long for a godly relationship with a young man and eventually a marriage and life with him. Where are the guys? Why are they not actively seeking a wife?

This has long been a pet peeve of mine. Why aren't we raising young men that want to get married? Why don't they want to do it younger? My husband and I married when he was 18 and I was 21. My older son married when he was 25, but he would have liked to be married younger. It just didn't work out for him as he was deployed in the National Guard several times. My younger son married when he was 19. We don't believe in long engagements either. We raised our sons to take initiative, set goals, plan for the future, and plan for a family you can support. Is that odd? We wanted them to get married, and have children, even while they were young.

Now when we look around, we just don't see that for our daughters or their friends. Guys are so into furthering themselves, having a good time, experiencing life, that they are not ready for marriage, a wife, and children until much later. We are doing a disservice to our children, raising them to think of themselves when we should be preparing them to think of others first so a marriage will work. Where are the Christian young men? What are they thinking about marriage and their futures?

Some seem afraid, but why? Have we sent the wrong message to them? Have we given marriage a bad rap? Yes, some fail. But many thrive and the spouses have a better life than if they were single. I want good marriages for my children. I want them to have godly partners that will lift them up, will pray for them, and will love them. I know no marriage is perfect, but it can be a good, good life! Let's encourage our young men to find wives, to court our lovely young women , and to start families. We must model good marriages for them and show them the benefits of marriage. We must support them as they seek to figure out how to find their potential spouse. Churches need to figure out how to minister to the singles in their congregations. We need to find ways for these Christian singles to meet. I see so many of the Christian young women out there in the community, in the church. But where are the Christian young men?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Vacation Tales

We just got home from a wonderful vacation! We made some great memories and have a bigger picture of our incredible country. Yet it wasn't perfect... I could choose to focus on what went wrong or what went well.

It started out well. My husband got home from work early and we had the car and camper mostly packed and ready to go. Our son was going to take care of pets so we were set. We were on the road, ready for an adventure.

Our first stop was going to be in Pennsylvania, at the Sights and Sounds Production of Noah in Lancaster. We were so excited to get to go to this. I had the tickets purchased and we were on a tight schedule to make it there. We had no extra time if we were going to get to it. We had over a thousand miles to travel.  And while on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, our car just stopped. Oh, oh! Didn't I just say we had no extra time for anything?

We didn't know the area we were in. We didn't know the extent of damage to our engine. We didn't have all the tools we needed and we didn't know where to get parts. And it was starting to rain! Eventually a tow truck came and towed us to the nearest parts store. He dropped us in a parking lot across from the parts store. So we were in a town we had never been in; it was raining harder, and we were in a parking lot not too close to anything with no car to get anywhere else. My husband started looking at the car's engine and saw that the timing belt was ruined. Now if that is all it was, it was fixable. However if the timing got off before the car stopped, we could have ruined the engine. And it was about 4:00 on  Friday. We were running out of time. Would we need to buy a different car to get home? Could this be fixed?  My husband decided to go ahead and try to get the parts. They didn't have them. :-(  My daughter started calling parts stores all over the area. None. But we could overnight them! So we did. That meant no play in Lancaster. It also meant spending the night in a parking lot with no bathroom in the rain. To say we were disappointed is an understatement.

We did make it through the night and we got the parts the next morning. It didn't stop raining so my husband did all the work in pouring cold rain. We had to buy tools, but not a different vehicle. The engine was not damaged. How we thanked the Lord for that! We were able to get on the road again!

Now we were really looking forward to going to the musical Noah and we didn't get to. The staff there did give us a gift card good for 2 years so maybe another trip will be in the plans. The shows are also in Branson. Even though we were beyond disappointed, we moved forward. We chose to be thankful that the car was running. We regrouped and realized we had time to visit Hershey, Pennsylvania! I have always wanted to. I love chocolate! What fun we had as we toured Chocolate World!

Our next stop was Gettysburg on Mother's Day. What a humbling place! To realize the lives that were lost there is a solemn remembrance of all it has taken to make our country what it is. Then we were on to Washington DC. First we went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and the American History Museum. There is so much to see! I loved the American History Museum, especially the war exhibit because it gave me so much perspective on the wars. We dropped off our daughter, Mandy, at a hotel for a conference and headed to our campground. There is a campground close to Washington DC. On the next day, we did almost all the monuments and had a tour of the Capitol. We also saw Union Station. On our last day there, we went to the Holocaust Museum. My heart and mind got all tangled up in there and the emotions filled me up so completely that it will take a long time to sort it all out. It is very well done. We also got to spend time with friends and have lunch with them. We saw the Federal Courthouse where our friend works and got to just chat a while with them. Next we went to Arlington Cemetery and saw the  Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And then back to the campground.

Thursday we picked up Mandy and headed across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. We did have to get a new battery pack for the camper to keep our refrigerator running. One more expense we didn't plan on... We went to Assateague Island to camp, a favorite place of mine. We saw the wild ponies. Did you read Misty of Chincoteague? We ate at a seafood buffet in Ocean City that night for my late Mother's Day gift. It was hilarious to see my daughter pop a steamed shrimp in her mouth and then say, "Was I supposed to take something off this?" When we told her she was supposed to peel it, she spit it in her napkin! The next day we played in the Atlantic and picked up shells. We went again to Ocean City and walked the boardwalk. When we left the Island, we went south to Chincoteague. Remember the book? I really liked that book as a child! It started raining again, but we were in the car. Next we crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. What a cool experience! You go on a bridge and down through a tunnel and then up to another bridge and then down in a tunnel again and back up to a bridge again! We saw big ships go by while we were stopped at one of the top parts.

It kept raining. Setting up in a campground that could be potentially flooded didn't thrill us so we looked for a hotel. We got to swim in a pool and sleep in a bigger bed and have a nice long hot shower! The next day we headed to Williamsburg.

Colonial Williamsburg was like stepping back into history. It was so interesting. I loved the idea that we walked where George Washington and some of our earlier patriots walked. Seeing how they lived and worked made history so real. It was very special.

After we had walked and walked, we were ready to sit in the car a bit. We headed home, sorta! The girls and I were ready to ride, but my husband decided we would camp one more time. We headed to a campground in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was raining again. Had it not been dark and raining, it might have been appreciated more. It was a beautiful place. We just didn't see it when we drove in.

In the morning we started for home via the mountain roads. It slowed us down some, but was glorious country. God has given us such a varied, beautiful country. As we traveled into the night, it started to storm. It wasn't just raining. It was threatening. There were tornado watches, severe thunderstorm warnings, possible hail... We listened to the weather radio, had our cell phones on the weather channel and prayed. We did end up pulling into a small town to wait it out for a while. It was scary and the adrenaline was flowing so when we started driving again, we were wide awake. We drove way into the morning, stopped at a rest stop for a few hours, and then drove home that day!

What a vacation! We all agreed it was one of the best. We had difficulties, spent money we didn't plan on, and missed one of the things we really wanted to see. It rained a lot, too. We could concentrate on what went wrong or we can see the blessings in it all. When our car broke down, we could have wrecked the whole engine. God's grace saw us through that. God protected us in the storm. He gave us patience and peace. We were able to do so much and see so much. We have much to be thankful for. God was with us. Take Him with when you vacation. He will give you the flexibility you need to get through whatever comes your way.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Choosing a Doctor

How do you choose a new doctor? It is one of my dilemmas in life. How do I trust another person who doesn't even know me to make medical decisions about my body, me?

I think we should have a way to interview the person who may be your next doctor. I want to know if they have similar values. Do they like to be zealous or laid back in their treatments? Are they totally honest in their assessments or do they just tell you the minimum? Will they respect my choices if they are different from theirs? Will they trust that I know my own body and listen to me? Will they let me ask questions? How much time will they take with me? Will they care if I do my research and know as much as I can?

Why do I have to go to a doctor first and pay for an appointment to someone I may not even like , nor want to treat me? I would like to have others' recommendations, but last time I did that the doctor I chose wasn't taking new patients. :-(

What kind of doctor should I choose? Do I need a family physician? Should I see a doctor specifically for women? Do I need to see an internist? What about a P.A.? Or a nurse practitioner or a midwife?

My insurance company has a say in it, too. They determine who gets paid, and thus, who I can see. Distance and availability may also play into it.

What am I to do? In almost all other areas, I am decisive. In this area, I don't know where to start. I need my annual exam as it isn't annual anymore. I missed last year. I know it's time, but what to do? How do I choose? How do you choose? I need help in this!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What I Didn't Get for my Birthday!

1.  I didn't get ignored! Many wishes came my way for a good day! My sons called or came over and my daughters-in law both called. I loved hearing "Happy birthday, Oma" from some of my grandchildren. I heard from one of my sons-in-law and a granddaughter, too.

2.  I didn't get any cards in the mail, but I got FB messages and email messages galore! The post office didn't get any business from us because of it!

3.  I didn't go out for supper, but we had all the ingredients for all my favorites at home! We had BBQ Ribs, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Fresh Asparagus, Cantaloupe, and Snickers Cake! It was delicious!

4.  We didn't go out on a date. Instead I got The Hobbit Movie and we all watched it together.

5.  I didn't have a big party, but my two youngest daughters and I had a nice lunch out.

6.  I didn't get any particularly bad news. That's good, really!

7.  I didn't get the warm weather I had hoped for. I do live in Minnesota and, at least, it didn't blizzard. It has on my birthday before.

8.  I didn't get any sicker. I have had a cold for over 2 weeks and it is getting better. Yeah!

9.  I didn't get any younger! That's OK! My dad always said any day above ground was a good one! I am alive and glad of it! I love life!

10. I didn't have to get up early. I didn't have to put down my book until it was finished. I didn't do school with my daughter(teacher's day off!) I didn't have to do the dishes. I was spoiled, treated with love and care, and made to feel special. Though there were a few disappointments, I knew joy and found much to be thankful for!

I received gifts that I asked for, but now am questioning the wisdom of asking for a bathroom scale and my favorite cake! I received both! So should I eat cake? Sure! It was my birthday. The scale can come out of the box next week!

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Homeschooling Journey

Homeschooling has become a way of life for us now and I can't imagine not doing it. But it wasn't always that way. I first heard of homeschooling while I was living in Maryland in 1984-1985. I heard about it on a radio program that Marlin Maddoux did in the afternoons. But since my only child at that time was only 3, I wasn't too serious about checking into it. I heard of Raymond Moore and his wife and eventually looked at their books and a few others I found at the library.

We moved back to Minnesota and when it was time for our oldest to go to school, we sent him to a small public school in a little town not far from where we lived. He went to kindergarten and first grade there and it was OK. I had a few issues, but not terrible ones. He rode the bus too long. He learned evolution and there were witches in the story books. Some of those things just didn't work with our Christian worldview. He also came home saying,"My teacher said..." and I would have to correct him and tell him we didn't always agree. I didn't like the conflict in authority. But the biggest thing was our schedule. My husband worked at a camp and we lived there, too. We worked long days in the summer and on weekends. Our weekend was Sunday noon until Tuesday noon. When we wanted to do something as a family, our son was in school. We took vacations during the scool year, too. He would have to get out of school to go with us.

I decided to try this thing called homeschooling for a year to see if it would work for us. I researched curriculum, the state's laws, and sent a letter to my school district to let them know what I was going to do. No one had ever done it in this small community so they asked me for a copy of the law! We moved in about two months so I had to let another school district know about it. They were not thrilled about it, but none of us were sure of our roles. We weathered the storms that came and figured it out a year at a time. The laws have changed a couple of times and so we have had to keep up to date on those. We had more children and adopted 2 older children that didn't speak English. There were many changes to adapt to. Curriculum choices have exploded and homeschool groups abound now.We have support in many different areas and people homeschool for many different reasons.

I started because I wanted more family time and more flexibility. But I have continued for so many other reasons. First of all, I am able to impart our Christian worldview to my children in every subject. We can pray together in school! i teach Creation science rather than evolution. We eat together, talk together, work together, and develop close relationships. I know my children well. They know me well. We share so much just by virtue of the amount of time we spend together. We get to travel together and try things that they would never get to do if they were in public school and on their schedule.

My children have had many opportunities to volunteer, to try new things, and to study what they love because I can individualize their studies to them. They have also taught me things I would never have learned on my own.

It has been a journey for us, but one I would do all over again. I got to teach them to read and write. I got to read to them and instill a love of books and learning in them. I was privileged to give them a foundation of faith. And I was honored to see them grow 'in the way the should go' as they each learned and used their gifts and talents. They each have experienced different things and have each gone into their own areas with enthusiasm and excellence.

Homeschooling was a surprise to me. I was just going to try it for a year, and then one more. I still am doing it 23 + years later and have years ahead as my youngest is in 6th grade. God has blessed me through it and it has definitely been one of the joys of my heart.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Yesterday was a day that totally stressed me out and for no apparent reason. I just couldn't keep from focusing on a situation that is distressing me, yet I have no control over. Eventually I got a headache and I was totally tired out. I just wanted to escape.

So I did escape to Alaska. Thanks to Dani Pettrey and her book Shattered, I entered a different world with different problems. I could let go of mine. What a blessed release! What a great escape!

Books are one of my favorite escapes. I can go to a new part of the world. I can meet new people. I can choose to be entertained, challenged, immersed in someone else's problems, or enjoying another's good fortune. Reading helps me to relax, to let go, and to push the day's anxiety away for awhile. I usually read before bed until I can't keep my eyes open and then I can sleep... Then my worries are not at the forefront of my thoughts.

Sometime a good movie will help me to escape, too. I can just let myself be pulled into their story and mine fades for a bit. We also watch old sitcoms like Gilligan's Island. Our current favorite is the Mary Tyler Moore Show. We have found many old TV series at our library. We laugh at the clothes, furnishings, and especially the lack of political correctness. They lend us a short light-hearted escape where we can just laugh.

I like to go for a walk, too, but it it is winter here and I don't like the cold. I do exercise, but a walk outside (when it's warmer) is a great escape. I love to see God's handiwork and marvel at the beauty of the world in which I live.

Occasionally a shopping trip can be an escape. I love to go to antique stores and just see the old items that were once loved or used by someone long ago. I don't often buy, but it fills me up to look and imagine and enjoy. Sometimes finding a new piece of clothing can be a fun excursion. I love to capture a great deal.

Being with a friend or a date with my husband  is wonderful, too. I, also, enjoy doing things with my two daughters that are still at home. I love spending time with those special people (and many others)
They often give me the boost I need to feel like I have escaped!

Sometimes I immerse myself in a project to escape. I might sew or bake or write or go volunteer at something until I forget my troubles.

Once in a while I just go take a nap. Sleep can be so healing. I disappear to my room with a book, music, and a quilt and just rest for a short time.

I need these escapes. They help me to get past the stresses that life presents and to keep functioning. They are healthy ways of coping. They help to keep life on a more even keel when the storms are raging. I don't feel guilty when I need to escape and I do it for a while. I always come back, usually refreshed and more ready to tackle the next thing. So from my perspective, escape can be a good thing. My family rarely worries when I say I need to escape. They understand and let me go if I need it.

What about you? What are your escapes? What do you need when life wears you down? Do you know how to escape?

Monday, February 18, 2013


Last weekend at church was our missions weekend and we had the opportunity to hear some different missionaries tell of their work. They also challenged us to do what God is asking each of us to do. Some of us are called to go; some of us are called to be senders. Yet in Matthew 28, Jesus does tell all of us, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." We were also reminded that all of us have, in our own communities, some people of other nations. We don't always have to go to other nations to find people from other places. I have a friend who is involved with a college ministry that brings foreign students together with families willing to befriend them and invite them into their homes.She is reaching others in her own home because she is willing to open her home. Her home has become a welcoming place to many from other cultures.

One of the missionaries told us their organization had compiled reasons why someone could not go and serve. One of the top reasons not to go is family. Their family did not want them to do such a crazy thing. He told us they had compiled 127 reasons people had given them for not being able to go. Debt, no specific call, job, marriage, not enough money, no passport,... were some of them. For a long time, our main reason was elderly parents that needed us. God has taken them all home to be with Him. I can't use that one any more. What is your reason not to go? If you were asked to fulfill a certain mission, what would be your response? What would mine be?

My husband is listening to the book  Radical, by David Platt, and he is feeling guilty. I told him that wasn't the purpose, but rather it was to motivate him. Will God use these things to 'motivate' us into something new? Or do we need to be bolder, more courageous, just where we are? Do we need to have our eyes opened to needs close to our home?

I don't know for sure if this will lead to drastic changes for us or small changes, but it seems the Holy Spirit is speaking to our hearts to be willing. It scares me and it excites me. I pray my ears will be ready to hear and my eyes open to see and my heart ready to respond. I want to be obedient to His call, to do His will. When I am in His will, I am filled with His joy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stay at Home Mom

I have been a stay at home mom for most of my children's growing up years. I really have not worked out of the home since I have had children except for a year long stint as a Pampered Chef consultant and just some brief day to day things. I have done day care in my home two different times, too. But mostly, I have been home,not working for someone else, and for the last 24 years, I have been homeschooling. I only have one now, but have had 5 at one time, too.

What have I sacrificed to be home? I had always hoped to go back to college, but either haven't had the time or money to do so. I haven't had a career. We haven't had the extra income a job would have provided .

But I have loved being home! I feel privileged to have been home all these years. Being at home has offered me so much flexibility to do all the things I want to do. It is as simple as getting up when I want to. I am not a morning person and if I want/need to sleep longer, I can! If I want to exercise 45 minutes instead of 30, I can. I can choose what I want to do during the day. I can write. I can bake bread. I can make from-scratch meals because I have time. If I want to work on crafts or sewing, I can. I get to write. I can take a break and read. I can spend unlimited moments with my child/children. I can read my Bible as long as I want.

Being at home gave me the opportunity to be involved in politics. I was a campaign chair for our state senator and I could give it the time it needed. I  was available to make calls, do correspondence, meet with people, go to events, whatever needed to be done. (And he won!)

I have been a part of the leadership of our local homeschool coop for years. Now my adult son is teaching at it.

I am able to volunteer in areas I wouldn't be able to if I were on a time clock. I was able to take our elderly parents to Dr. appointments and to sit with them for hours on end as they were dying. I can make other people a priority as needed.

I get to babysit for my grandchildren and spend time with other family members, friends, and neighbors. I can talk on the phone, read my email, check Facebook, and Twitter. I listen to Christian radio and watch a movie on lunch break with my daughter(sometimes).

Who says being a stay at home mom is boring? It is full of opportunities! In fact, it is so full that I have to keep a detailed calendar so I know what is next. I also have to prioritize because since I am home others think I have all the time in the world so  I can do what they want. It's a balance as is all of life. I have to be careful not to fill my day with frivolous pursuits and to use my time wisely. But I know I am blessed to be home and I am thankful to my husband for working so hard so I can have this opportunity. He provides the income so I can be at home. I do what I can to be thrifty and to save money, too. I try to do my part.

Being home is a privilege and I am honored to get to live this life. I enjoy it. I embrace this life God has given me. I haven't missed out on anything. I have gained so much being with my children, caring for others, homeschooling and being available. It is the best life! (for me, at least!)



                Dissolution is a word I have rarely thought about and now it is on my mind all the time. What is dissolution? Webster defines dissolution as the act of breaking something down or a breakup of something or the termination of a legal relationship. It can mean a death also.

                Why is it on my mind? Because someone close to me is choosing a dissolution to their marriage. It grieves me deeply that it is happening.  A marriage ending hurts so many. It is not only the husband and wife that are affected.  In this case, there are 3 children who are being torn apart by this. Beyond that, who else is touched by this tragedy? Parents of both spouses are saddened and disappointed and as grandparents to the children, they hurt for them, too. Siblings to the couple, cousins, and others are upset as they see their relationships changing with all that are involved. It’s like a rock being thrown into a lake and seeing the ripples radiating outward. This decision has an emotional impact on all the family.

CitizenLink has an article on marriage benefits that states:

 Marriage is good for people—for women, for men and for children. Research for the last 30 years continues to find ways in which lifelong marriage positively affects our physical and emotional health, and even our finances.

It would be difficult for a mother and father to give a greater gift to their children than their lifelong marriage. Children living with their married parents are unlikely to live even one year of life in poverty compared to children in unmarried homes. They are also more likely to thrive physically, emotionally, scholastically and socially into adulthood if their parents stay married.

It’s not just good for kids. The physical health and emotional well-being of married men and women is better than that of their unmarried peers. Additionally, married men make more money than single men with similar education and opportunities.

A thriving society and culture depend on stable marriages. As marriage declines in a culture, the state must spend more money to care for children who lose the financial stability of a married home when their parents divorce or were never married. Creativity and growth are lost when marriages fail, as the next generation struggles for psychological, social, educational and financial health and stability.

Strong marriages are at the heart of thriving family and community.” (

            There are benefits to marriage, but few to divorce. The Bible only gives infidelity as a reason to divorce, but abuse would also be a reason to separate. Yet many in our culture divorce for frivolous reasons. In this case, one of the partners wants freedom, a chance to explore other avenues of self gratification. She thinks she should do what will make her happy. But at what cost to everyone around her?

                As a parent, I feel if we have brought children into the world, they are a priority we cannot neglect. They need to be cared for, loved, and protected. This situation will not allow for that easily. The children will live closer to poverty, and they will not know the stability of a home with two parents present. I see the changes being forced on them as very selfish and uncaring. The children will be the victims and will always have to deal with this in their lives. They will struggle to understand and to know where they fit in. All of these struggles will come to them by no choice of their own. How unfair!

                All of the rest of the family will now have to accommodate this broken relationship in holiday celebrations, family get-togethers and family photos. Nothing will be normal anymore. The family ‘pride’ in being a large family is changed because it will be too hard to explain.
              God hates divorce and so do I. It is a breaking of vows and trust. It hurts and destroys. It changes too many things for too many people. It is the termination of a legal relationship, but it is also a death of a marriage. It is a dissolution of love.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Enjoy Life

On a recent radio broadcast that I was listening to, the speaker said that one regret people would have at the end of their lives is that they didn't enjoy life more. They were busy. They worked hard. They had things they wanted. But they just didn't enjoy life.

That is one regret I do NOT want to have. I want to look back at life and think, "Wow! It was a good life!"  That doesn't mean it was all easy because it isn't. That doesn't mean there were no problems because there are. It doesn't ,mean things have all gone my way because they don't and aren't. Life is far from perfect, but I can still choose to see the good.

In spite of today's problems or tomorrow's worries, I will enjoy the life God has given me. Though I don't like winter, the fresh snow this morning was beautiful. I got my exercise time in. My chiropractor helped me yesterday.  My two youngest daughters laughed today over a simple card trick they were perfecting. We had lunch together. I am reading a good book. My husband wants to go out on a date with me tonight.We finished school early. Friends enjoyed our 'Winter Greetings' Letter.(I didn't get Christmas cards out.) I have time to write today. All are just my simple joys, but recognizing them helps me to enjoy today and to see it as a good day. Though life's problems are not any less and the situation that is bothering me most has not changed, I am not letting it overshadow today's delights.

There are so many things yet to look forward to, too. Spring is coming! It will get warmer and days will get longer. I will enjoy walking outside again. We are planning a late Spring -early Summer vacation. I am actually thinking of having a garden this year...Maybe? I love campfires, summer evenings, camping out, motorcycle rides, green grass, and picnics. I am looking forward to getting together with some friends. We get to meet another new grandchild. I want to write more, and of course, read more! I am going to try some new recipes. I'm praying God will show me what He wants me to do next. Anticipation is good. Spontaneity is fun.

So enjoy life. Smile more. People will wonder what you are up to or maybe they will recognize you, too, have joy in your heart!

Monday, January 28, 2013

"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant!"

In church on Sunday, we sang a song that talked about at the end of life, what we want to hear is, "Well done, good and faithful servant." As we sang, I thought about it and realized that I really want to hear that at the end of my life when I stand before God. And while I don't believe good works are what gets us into Heaven, I do believe that when we know Jesus as Savior and recognize all He has done for us, out of gratitude, we will do good works. Our life should reflect who we are in Christ and we should be His hands and feet here on earth. People should see a difference in me because I am a Christ-follower.

I have been trying to think how that would play out in my everyday life. How do I need to act and live so I will have lived faithfully and well? We all like to hear that we have done a good job. Our kids love to hear it and our husbands do, too. It's not that we need praise to keep on doing what is right. It just is nice when others recognize it and affirm us in doing the right thing. Just think what it will be like when God says it to us!

But how do I/we get to that point? How do we intentionally live that way? One of the ways is in our devotion to the Lord. Do we seek Him out in prayer and His Word? I keep asking God to make me hungry for His Word, so much so that if I miss a day, I will feel like I have really missed out on something. He has really been speaking to my heart as I have prayed that. Second, I need to be intentional in my relationships to others. Sometimes it is so easy, and sometimes it is not! I want to reach out to more people more readily. I need to just do it, even if it is uncomfortable. The other thing I have thought about is that I need to use my gifts and talents. I need to be who He has created me to be.I can get so caught up in just doing what is before me that I don't make time to stretch myself in new ways. God wants us to step out of our comfort zone so we have to rely on Him. That's when faith grows!

So, for now, that's how I will live more intentionally so I can be faithful and know that I have done a good job. I will probably have to have some accountability partners to keep me going in the right direction, too. I really want God to someday say to me, "Well done!"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Counting my Blessings

My mind is blank, but I am writing anyway. My heart is consumed by a family problem and it's hard to be light hearted or fun. But my soul yearns for joy... so I will count my blessings. Here goes:

1. Friends- a connection with an old friend was renewed and another friend and I solved a misunderstanding.
2. My 20-year-old daughter got a job and is excited to start work tomorrow.
3. My house is warm despite below 0 temps for several days.
4. My chipped front tooth is fixed without a crown.
5. My 11-year-old made S'more Clusters for her AWANA group and shared with us!
6. I got more free books on my Kindle.
7. My husband bought me a new battery for my laptop computer for Christmas.
8. I got a new red blazer yesterday.
9. Grandchildren- I have 12 and #13 is on the way!
10. I love homeschooling my youngest daughter. She is the last and #6. All the rest have graduated!
11. Tomorrow I will have over 500 hits on my blog!
12. I love Christian radio.
13. Most of the time, I have good internet connections.
14. My sons are incredible young men-excellent public servants, good dads, and fun to be with, too.
15. My husband is my best friend.
16. I have new cookbooks so I don't get bored cooking the same old, same old!
17. I love my Kitchenaid mixer.especially the dough hook to make bread dough.
18. I have opportunities and choices most of the world doesn't have.
19. God's word is relevant to me and true.
20. God loves me.
21. I know God is there for me always. I am never alone.
22. I have reliable transportation and can go pretty much where I want to.
23. Winter doesn't last forever. Spring will come.
24. My husband has a job and I can be a stay-at-home mom.
25.My vacuum cleaner is fixed!

Wow! I didn't realize how much you would know about me by my revealing my blessings. You could figure out a lot about me from that. They are not in order, not even in the order of how I thought of them. It was a totally random list and on another day, the list could contain other things. I only allowed myself 25 today, but counting my blessings always lifts my spirit. Gratitude changes my attitude! I can't feel sorry for myself while listing my blessings.Even though there are some hard things in my life right now, God is good. He is with me. And remembering and counting my blessings renews the joy in my heart!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Goal I Can't Do

I set a goal for myself to go to bed by 10:30pm. That way I could get up earlier. This is hard for me as I am a night person and definitely don't like morning! If morning came later in the day, it would be fine! I would like it better. I love sunsets, not really sunrises...

My body apparently thinks it needs 9 hours of sleep to be happy. If I turn my alarm off, I will sleep 9 hours. If I go to bed too late, I will get up later unless I force myself to listen to the alarm. I am trying to get up early enough to exercise 30 minutes and to read my Bible before I start with Janaya's school. Of course, I also have to eat breakfast and shower before that. Sometimes I tell her to go ahead and start Math and I will be there soon! Her Math is on the computer, so not specifically taught by me. She can do it without much input fom me.

I really do try to meet this goal. I try to go to bed earlier. I pack my husband's lunch right after supper. I get Janaya to bed, but then I need to feed the dog, let the dog out, start the dishwasher(after loading the final dishes), shut the lights out, turn off the computer and whatever else is on, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. It's finally quiet in the house. So I might sit down for a few minutes and sometimes I get distracted by a book or magazine or my Kindle. I'll just read a little bit... Just a little bit more...One more page or one more chapter...And next thing I know, it's later than I planned. I missed my goal again.

I will keep working on it, but this one is tough for me. What do you think? How do I fix this one? Or do I give up and just let it be the way it is? I am not sure if meeting this goal will give me more joy for the heart or if missing it will!? :-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Resolution to Keep- Date Your Spouse

My husband was pleased to hear he made my resolution list! We were joking about resolutions and how hard so many of them are hard to keep- like diets, exercise, etc... I told him I made one that I was looking forward to keeping and that was to make dates with him a priority. He didn't say a lot, but I know he liked it because they have become a priority for him, too.

We enjoy each other's company and have always looked for ways to spend time together. After the kids were old enough to be left alone, we went out for Saturday breakfast because they didn't want to get up anyway. They rarely knew we were gone! I often will just ride along when he has to go somewhere for his job or to pick something up. We like to be together.

We did brainstorm a bit about things we would like to do and he even made a list in his smart phone! I wrote down my ideas and then I went online and found even more. I looked for fun ideas and for ideas that were not too expensive so they could just happen if we had the time.  Some ideas cost and have to be budgeted for though.

We like to get away a couple of times a year to a hotel and we have found it pays to join the hotels' "club" of ones we like. You get emails, notices of special deals and events, and sometimes rewards. Most give you points and even though it takes time to get enough points, they keep them until you use them. We have had a few free or reduced nights that way and sometimes they upgrade your room  when you check in. We also get free water or snacks at some!

We like to go out to eat, but it doesn't always have to be expensive. We like to try smaller off the beaten path restaurants, too. We like to pack a picnic with a few special things and go to a park or to a lake, too. We love motorcycle rides to anywhere and camping and canoeing! Outdoor activities  are great together.  We will do what each other enjoys to just spend time together. Loren will go with me to antique stores and flea markets, and I will go with him to motorcycle events and things like that.  Be creative and share your spouse's interests. You just might find you like it, too.

Try something new together, too. We are excited that a shooting and archery range is opening near us. We have gone horseback riding, to amusement parks, water parks, zoos, fairs, and festivals. Our state has a great tourism newspaper that lists events and we go to local events we find there. Many are free and a chance to explore your home area. We get a historical membership or state park sticker occasionally and use them to go to events. Even my membership to the historical society was at a reduced rate because I bought it on the internet through Groupon. If you are creative, you can get some good deals.

I don't like winter very much and since I live in Minnesota, that is tough sometimes. This is when we will go to a movie or a play or some kind of expo. We have gone to a camping show, a home show, and a motorcycle show. Check what your local civic centers offer. I also check local radio stations' community calendars for events. We may go to a local charity's fundraiser or dinner.We have found concerts and seminars that way. You would be surprised at what activities are out there.

Dating my spouse is definitely one resolution we both are enjoying, and it is good for our marriage. It gives us something to look forward to and to anticipate. It is part of my bigger goal to celebrate! We are celebrating our relationship and life! It is good to just have fun and to make memories! It will put a smile on your face and joy in your heart!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013- The New Year-Celebrate!

I wrote on resolutions last year and woefully broke even the easiest ones. I had hoped others would challenge me to do what I said I would. It didn't work that way. Life got busy and I did whatever was most urgent, whatever was before me. I did meet some goals and had some successes. It wasn't that life was stagnant. It was so busy with everyone's demands. 2012 wasn't what I had hoped it to be. I didn't enjoy it like I should have. Even though I did what I felt I was called to do and did have some success, I lost some of the joy. I let my activities consume me.

This year in 2013 as I was reflecting and thinking about the new year ahead, I decided to think on a few words and to let them guide my year. My first word was Challenge. I don't know what that means. As I figure that out, I will write about it. I am not sure if I will be challenged or I will challenge myself or if life will be a challenge in general. Whatever, whichever it will be will be interesting. I anticipate it.

The second word that came to me was Celebrate! That sounds more fun! It came to me that so much of life is going from crisis to crisis surviving whatever loss, hurt, or sadness comes our way. And they will come our way. But rather than wallow in despair when faced with those things, I want to find the other good things in life and celebrate! There is so much in life worth celebrating. God continually told people in the Bible to celebrate, to have feasts, to comemorate things. God delights in us finding joy. When we celebrate, we remember things that are important to us. We celebrate with family, friends, and others. We share our joy. I look forward to finding ways to celebrate.

Celebrating, finding joy can be so simple. We have played games in the evening. We have challenged each other with WII. We have enjoyed sharing our days at a good sit-down meal. We lit candles at the dinner table. We sipped sparkling apple cider in the evening. We listened to old tapes by Ronald Reagan. We made plans to remodel, rebuild. We prayed together. Some celebrating will be more elaborate. We will have a party. We will cook special foods and have guests over. We will travel somewhere. However it happens, we will celebrate life, love, relationships. Crisises will come, but they will not overshadow the celebrating. We will find the joys of our hearts no matter what the new year brings.