Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pray Without Ceasing

I am so busy. How would I pray without ceasing? It seemed impossible. I just heard a young woman talk about how she has committed to praying a half hour each day and I was impressed with her dedication. But is that praying without ceasing? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to do it so it must be possible.

We pray every morning, at meals, and at bedtime. But that still isn't without ceasing. I wanted prayer to come as easily as breathing; then maybe it would be without ceasing. Part of it is my attitude. I need to want to be in communication with my Lord. He doesn't need me to be praying all the time, but He knows I need to be in sweet fellowship with Him.

To have a relationship with someone you must communicate with them. If you never speak, write letters, or otherwise communicate, you can not have a meaningful relationship. You can't get to know someone well without talking to them. God desires us to know Him and we must communicate with Him in order to know Him. If we are to develop trust, we have to develop the relationship and that requires communication.

I knew I wanted to have that relationship with God and that I wanted to pray without ceasing so I could develop that relationship. So I read some books on prayer. I listened to others pray. I prayed. But I needed reminders, markers, to help me keep in the attitude of prayer. I heard of one man who set his watch alarm for every 15 minutes to remind him to pray. That might work, but it might annoy everyone around you as well!

I needed connections that would remind me to pray. So I came up with specific ones to help me pray specifically. When I hear a siren, I pray for the victims of whatever is happening, but also for the responders. My son is in law enforcement, so for me, this is very important, as I know some of the tough situations he faces. Another son is in the military so anything military related can remind me to pray for the troops and for their families. I put up a bulletin board in my bedroom and I can post pictures, names, whatever, to remind me to pray for certain people. Driving by a church might be a reminder to pray for my pastor or pastors in general. When something reminds me of someone, I can use that to remember to pray for that person. A gift given to me can make me pray for the giver. You can pray for your family members as you fold their clothes. You can be thankful as you wash dishes or clean house. A walk through the neighborhood can mean you pray for all the neighbors. Insomnia at night prompts me to pray through the whole family and then friends, church, and more- depending how long I am awake! Photos in your house can remind you, too. Some are on the refrigerator; others framed or on a bulletin board. There are so many ways to put up markers to remind yourself to pray. Be creative!

 Besides your own markers, the Holy Spirit will nudge you to pray for others, too. When you get used to communing with God, you will hear Him more, too. People will pop into your head and you will know that you should be praying for them. The Holy Spirit will lead you into more prayer.

When you get in the habit of prayer and use the markers that you have set up for yourself to remember, you will pray more. Some are only a sentence. We sometimes say, "Thank you, Lord, for the sunshine." or "Lord , help ___________", "Lord, be with __________." It isn't always the half hour; it may be just those sentences that recognize God's sovereignty and our trust in Him. Sometimes you may need to have the half hour or more, but not always. God hears our moans, our utterances, our sighs even. It can become as easy as breathing. He is there waiting for us, listening to us, desiring us to come to Him. He wants us to have a relationship with Him.

The more you pray, the closer you will get to God. And the more you pray, the more others will ask you to pray. If others know you are a prayer warrior and that you are sincere in doing it when you say you will, they will want your prayers. I always feel privileged when others ask me to pray for them. They trust me to do it and it draws me closer to God, too.

Pray without ceasing? It's not impossible. It's an attitude, a way of life. When you say, "Thank God!" Mean it as a prayer. When you say, "Lord, help me!" Say it as a prayer. Let those expressions be real.
Notice your world, the people around you, and talk to God about it all. Breathe in air; breathe out prayer. Pray without ceasing. It will bless you and others!

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