Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hard Work of Being a Christian

It's hard work to be a Christian. So much is expected of you. It makes you think and act differently. You have to guard your thoughts and your words. There are rules to obey. We are to have a servant heart. Being a Christian changes who you are.

 I need to be perfectly clear. It is not hard to become a Christian. We do nothing to be saved, to become a Christian, except to accept His grace and mercy. Jesus has paid it all. We believe: Jesus offers us eternal life. We are saved by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2: 8, 9)

That's the easy part. But living as a Christian is hard. We have to choose to live as God wants us to. He doesn't force us. We become new creatures, yet it is a battle of wills. My will will constantly battle His will for me. Even though I am a Christian I sometimes just want to sleep in on Sunday mornings. Sometimes I feel like voicing my anger at a stupid driver. I want to speed. I don't want to be kind to those who mistreat me. I don't always want to give my money, or time, or myself. I often would like to ignore others' needs. I don't always choose to pray or read my Bible. I am not a bad person, but sometimes I want to think of myself first. I can be selfish. After all, the world tells me I deserve a break. I should treat myself well.  I often put my desires before what God desires for me.

I haven't done the big sins. I have never murdered or stole anything big. I have not broken any laws that require prosecution. I don't have any big sexual sins. I am a nice person. But without Christ's blood covering me, I am a sinner. Period. God doesn't rate sin. We are all sinners. We all have broken His Laws. We are not perfect. I am not perfect. But I am a sinner saved by grace. That is what makes me different.

His grace and mercy are what changes me and makes me different. I am loved completely. I belong to God's family. My identity comes from the God who created me. He says He created me for a purpose. He has a plan for my life. (Jeremiah 29; 11) I am secure in who He made me to be. Because of those truths, I choose to live differently.

I do get up early on Sunday mornings and go to church. I want to worship with other believers. I am careful of what I say. I try not to swear. I try to obey laws. I care about people because Christ cares for me. I want others to see a difference in me. I seek to commune with God. I seek His will. I read HIs word so I know what He is like and how He wants me to live. I want my faith to brand me. I want others to wonder what is different about me. I want them to ask. I want to be real enough in this walk so they will want to know what is different about me.

I fail everyday though. I am human and I often act just like I feel rather than how I should. Yet God forgives and always gives me a second chance. I don't always do it right, but I will do the hard work of being a Christian. If I am to have the name of Christ on me, I need to live differently. I need to make the hard choices. I hope you will see it in me and I hope I will see it in you. Together we can do the hard work and reap the joys of our hearts. Because serving Him does bring joy in spite of the hard work.

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