Monday, February 22, 2016

Until Death Do Us Part

Until Death Do Us Part

The final line in most marriage vows is “until death do us part.” What does that mean to the couples who promise it? Do most really understand that it is a promise for the rest of their lives? It doesn’t mean as long as I am happy. It doesn’t mean until I find someone else. It doesn’t mean unless I want my freedom. It means until one of them dies.

Marriage vows are a commitment, a promise made before God and witnesses. They should not be lightly taken. They should not be lightly broken.

Yet many marriages fail in our culture. Our society has accepted that marriages fail. Rather than work it out, it is easier to call it quits. We have accepted giving up. We no longer hold onto faithfulness and loyalty.

Even when there are children, marriage and family are not held sacred. More children live in broken homes with only one parent than ever before. Children are not reason enough to stay together.

I have long known these statistics, but now they have become personal. While I have never been divorced and never plan to, my children have. Several of my grandchildren are experiencing this. I am watching this. I am hurting because of it.

Divorce affects whole families, friends, and more. I have been told it is personal, only between the two parties involved. But that it is not true. The hurt and separation go much deeper than that. Friends often don’t know how to be loyal to both parties so the friendship changes. Family traditions and holidays change. Nothing remains the same. Children often have to live in two places. The stability and security of home and family is lost.

I hate it. God didn’t intend for it to happen. I never wanted to see it happen in my family. But it has. The pain and disappointment are huge. The stress is never ending. The grief of having a broken family breaks my heart daily.

My response is to love my grandchildren and to offer grace to their hurting parents. I will forgive and I will try to be there for them. I certainly don’t know how to do this and never wanted to. But this is my life and I must walk this road right now. With God’s help, I will find peace in the troubled times. I will seek His joy in the moments He gives me. And every day I pray and pray…

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