Monday, April 10, 2017

Simplicity Learned on Vacation

Simplicity Learned on Vacation

                I know vacation is different than real life/everyday life, but it made me think about what I really need to do life and enjoy it. I was camping so I had to have all the basics with me. I needed a lot less than I do at home.

To start with, we had food with and the basic utensils to cook with including an electric fry pan, a microwave, and a cookstove and grill. We had plates, cups, bowls, silverware and various cooking utensils. I probably take more utensils than some people do because I like having an apple corer with as well as my favorite bread knife. I have certain items I like that make cooking easier for me.

                We sleep in sleeping bags and have pillows and blankets as each prefers. I have a reading light so I can read as late as I like without having lights left on. We are comfortable. We have heat and air conditioning if we need it.

We all brought books with us as well as a Bible and some magazines. We have 2 computers with and a DVD player. These were for downtimes, before bed, and for the long car rides. We spent a lot of time in the car. When we could, we hiked, visited people, went to museums, and various other activities.

We did bring a fair amount of clothes as we were in a wide temperature range. We left home and it was in the 20’s and we were in temps close to 90 later with everything in between. That also presented the dilemma of multiple shoes! We brought sandals and boots. We needed shoes to hike in, walk in, and dress up a bit. Plus we like variety!

Our camper is not big. It has room for 4 to sleep in and a small bathroom/shower. It does not have a table, but has counter space to cook on or do dishes, etc. It doesn’t have much in it that is decorative; it is mostly functional.

Yet it was enough. We didn’t miss many of our belongings. We were content. We were satisfied. It has made me think about all we surround ourselves with. What of it do we need? Which things are important to us? What would we replace if something happened to it?

I have a very nice home- one filled with things I love. But do I need all those wonderful things? If something happened to me, would they be a burden to those I left them to? I feel I need to take another look at my home and really think about what is important to me. I need to think about downsizing and keeping only what I use or love. This is not a new concept. It is something you can find multiple books about and can find multiple internet sites devoted to. I know because I have read them, but it became personal when I went on this vacation and realized how little I can live with and live well with.

Let’s get real here though. I can’t downsize to a tiny house or live as a minimalist. I have 6 children, 16 grandchildren and many guests. I am involved in ministry and my daughters have various commitments that mean storing things for other groups. I baby sit those grandchildren and have overnight guests. I can’t get rid of everything. But I can simplify. Maybe…

It is a task I will try to work on this spring. My spring cleaning will be more intentional and I will work to see what I can change. I don’t want to leave behind a legacy of too much stuff that my children will be dismayed about. I want to leave behind a legacy that says I loved them, enough to not leave too much stuff.

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