Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Review of The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze

The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze
Abby had waited long enough to find the man who was responsible for her father’s death, and by default, her mother’s as well. She would help to find him no matter what. If taking a job as a school teacher in Nebraska was how she could help catch him, she would do it. She enjoyed teaching, and even if it was different than she expected, she could handle it. She was unprepared though for her contact to be a past beau, one that had hurt her mightily. Life in the small town was a challenge. Relationships were strained at times. There were different expectations and rules than what she was used to. Yet the people were what made up the town and the children are what touched her heart. The story involves mystery, counterfeit money, intrigue and romance in a historical setting. Of course, weather plays a part in the story as evidenced by the title. The blizzard is based on a real life historical event. It is an enjoyable read with lots of historical tidbits in there to enjoy. I love the Mayflower Bride series and this is another story on the series that does not disappoint!

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