Monday, April 13, 2020

Review of The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate

The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate

I had a hard time starting this because it tackles some hard issues. But as I read, I got immersed in the stories and in the characters’ lives. The details in this story deepen the story and make it real. This book is exquisite in taking 2 timelines and making them both go full circle to totally relate to each other. I had never heard about the lost friends published in a newspaper so past slaves could find family and others. This is a slice of history that is sad, but also showed people of incredible fortitude and strength who never gave up. It also shows people who truly care about others, both in the past and in more recent times. I can’t stop thinking about the story and all the characters in it. They have become real to me. It is a must read.

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