Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Be Still"

Do you ever wonder if what you are doing is enough? Is it important enough? Is it worth your time and effort? Sometimes I feel like I am coasting through life, doing what others expect and want, but not trusting myself to even know if I am doing what I should be doing. Am I doing what my life is here to do? Am I touching lives in the way I was meant to?

Our busy-ness sometimes gets in the way of thinking, dreaming, planning, anticipating... Instead we fill our hours with the urgent, not always the important.

I just had a conversation with a friend about all of this and we both agreed that life gets in the way of our prayer life. While we both pray and pray a lot, we talked about how we don't take time to listen to God. We shoot our prayers Heaven-ward and just keep going. We are just too busy.

I long to listen to God. I know I have neglected that lately. I desperately need to attune myself to Him and His still, small voice.

Because when I am listening to Him, I am more likely to be in the right place, doing the right thing, the thing He has called me to do. I am less likely to waste time on the unimportant, the urgent things that were not meant for me. I will make better decisions and I will see those that God wants me to touch.

God's Word says,"Be still and know that I am God." I need to figure out how to be still and when to be still. That is so hard in today's fast-paced world with so many things  and people pulling at us. Yet God asks this of me and I need to obey.

If others have mastered this, please share. We can do this with God's help. We can find our way and be secure in who we are and what we are doing, after we seek Him. And that will fill my heart with joy again and again.

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