Monday, October 1, 2012

Focus- Be in the Moment!

This morning as I was reading and thinking about life, the thought that  kept coming to my mind was to focus. Focus. Be in the moment. Yesterday I talked about being too busy to hear God, and then I realized sometimes I am too busy to be in the moment. I am too busy to really hear what the people around me are saying, feeling, needing... I give a hug, but keep doing, thinking, or talking without really enjoying the hug. I hold a child and keep going with my activities. I take a motorcycle ride with my husband to see the fall colors and I take notes on what needs to be done.

I multitask on things that need my full concentration and I think I am so efficient. But in reality, I do  things not as well when I am not fully in the moment. Nothing gets my full attention. Don't you hate it when you are having a conversation with someone and they keep looking past you or around you like you are not even there? Or worse yet, doesn't it drive you crazy when someone is texting the whole time you are trying to have a conversation with them?  I get so frustrated with those things, but I am sure I do them, too. Or similar things.

A Facebook quote that came to me today said,"Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had." Wow! Instead of multitasking and trying to do everything at once, I need to learn to appreciate what is in the moment now. I need to truly "see" the people in  front of me. I want to hug with abandon and love freely. I want to focus on the beauty around me. I want to be fully alive, experiencing all God is opening me up to.

So as I am "still" before God, I am to focus.  I am to be in the moment and experience life to the fullest, bit by bit, not just in chunks missing the details. I'm already smiling because the joys from my heart are expanding already.

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