Monday, March 25, 2013

Choosing a Doctor

How do you choose a new doctor? It is one of my dilemmas in life. How do I trust another person who doesn't even know me to make medical decisions about my body, me?

I think we should have a way to interview the person who may be your next doctor. I want to know if they have similar values. Do they like to be zealous or laid back in their treatments? Are they totally honest in their assessments or do they just tell you the minimum? Will they respect my choices if they are different from theirs? Will they trust that I know my own body and listen to me? Will they let me ask questions? How much time will they take with me? Will they care if I do my research and know as much as I can?

Why do I have to go to a doctor first and pay for an appointment to someone I may not even like , nor want to treat me? I would like to have others' recommendations, but last time I did that the doctor I chose wasn't taking new patients. :-(

What kind of doctor should I choose? Do I need a family physician? Should I see a doctor specifically for women? Do I need to see an internist? What about a P.A.? Or a nurse practitioner or a midwife?

My insurance company has a say in it, too. They determine who gets paid, and thus, who I can see. Distance and availability may also play into it.

What am I to do? In almost all other areas, I am decisive. In this area, I don't know where to start. I need my annual exam as it isn't annual anymore. I missed last year. I know it's time, but what to do? How do I choose? How do you choose? I need help in this!

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