Monday, August 12, 2013

I am a writer!

You know you are a writer when…

No. I am not published. So I am not an author…Maybe someday?

 But I am a writer. Because I have to be. I was created that way.

 When others need to call someone to express themselves over a hurt or to re-live a joy, I need a pen and paper.  I just have to write it. That’s what makes me a writer. It’s how I vent.  It’s how I find a smile again. It’s how I think things through. It’s not enough to say it. I must write it.

 I have multiple notebooks full of my ramblings. They may never mean much to anyone else, but they have helped me to keep my sanity. And sometimes my temper. I can rant and never offend. I can lecture and not have someone be turned off by my passion. I can get sentimental and weepy, and not embarrass myself or others. I can be silly and imagine things I wouldn’t want to share.

 Writing is an outlet for my emotions, my thoughts, and my spirit. I can be fully me, unchecked. It is my safety net, my Ebenezer, or memorial stone. Writing is a survival tool for me. It is part of who I am. I am a writer.

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