Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Health : Do we take it for granted?

Today my brother-in-law is having triple bypass surgery. I am praying this surgery is successful and really makes a difference in his quality of life. This isn't his first brush with mortality. He had an abdominal aneurysm and a brain aneurysm before. Both of these surgeries were very risky, too. He made it through both of them. We were thankful God preserved him and we are praying God will be with him in this surgery as well.

It makes me think though how often we take our good health for granted. Another relative had a heart attack last year and he is only a few months older than I am. I have a nephew whose 18 month old daughter is dealing with leukemia. We don't think about our health unless we or someone we know is sick.

How often do you thank God for your breath? We just breathe because it is a normal function of our body. When my father-in-law went through lung cancer and he struggled for each breath, I became more thankful for each breath I could take. When we have a cold or allergies, we may experience that discomfort to a small degree, but we can still breathe.

Our body is a magnificent creation with so many parts that all have to work together so we can live. God has created us so intricately and so wonderfully. We need to do our part to take care of ourselves. We often don't realize the harm we do to our bodies by not eating right or by not exercising or by doing something bad to it. We take it for granted until we are forced to pay attention to it.

As I age, I ache more when I do something out of the ordinary. My body doesn't respond like it used to, and yet, at times, I know I am more comfortable in it and worry less about it. God made me and I know "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" as the Psalmist says in Psalm 139. I rejoice in that and in my heart know I belong to Him who made me.

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