Thursday, March 13, 2014


Psalm 51: 12 says "Restore unto me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit."

Somewhere in the cold wastelands of winter, I lost that joy. I lost my passion. I haven't been unhappy or unproductive. I just have not had my usual sense of empathy, sensitivity, and hope. As  I look forward to spring and new life, I look forward to "renewing a right spirit within me."

I am looking for a challenge. I am seeking God's will. I am asking what I should do next. I am willing to do something different. I am not sure what form my willingness will take me. I just know I need to get on track.

My birthday is next week. Another year has gone by. Another year is beginning. I have a choice to be stuck in the past or to move forward. With God's help, I will move ahead. I have not even tried to meet any of my goals for this year so it's time. Maybe I need to review them and prioritize. Maybe I even need to set new goals.

I know I need to find the joy of my salvation and open my Bible more. I need to pray more. I need to put God in first place.

I am ready to step out of the desert. I am ready to drink the living water again.

How about you? What do you do to get out of a spiritual desert? How do you find the joy of your salvation again?

I will strive to find the joy of my heart again. As I do, I will share...

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