Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Book Recommendation - Tattered and Mended by Cynthia Ruchti

Tattered and Mended: The Art of Healing the Wounded by Cynthia Ruchti
One person’s wrong decision has shattered a family, my family. If you looked at us though, observed our day to day living, you would not see it. Life goes on and we keep living, even though our souls are wounded.
Cynthia Ruchti wrote Tattered and Mended: The Art of Healing the Wounded for me and others like me. When I got the book, I couldn’t read it. It had to sit in front of me for week after weeks before I could open it. My wound was too fresh, too deep. My faith was too little; my hope had deserted me.
When I first opened the book, Cynthia’s words were too beautiful. Her thoughts didn’t touch me. I saw the truth there, but my tattered soul let them blow over me like a breeze that tickles, but doesn’t refresh.
I kept reading anyway because I knew her words were water for those who thirst. I recognized there could be healing and restoration through them.
Finally in chapter 6, I connected with the book as I read, “When a soul is tattered, shredded, we understand how the word soul encompasses our whole being. Everything in us. What isn’t affected? Appetite is. Sleep. Enjoyment of simple pleasures. Time. Energy. Ability to cope with stressors we once surfed. Health. Vitality. Essence. Relationships.” She also said, “Life seems to revolve around our pain. Anything good or productive we accomplish is a monumental victory over the all-encompassing sorrow. And monumentally exhausting.”  
Cynthia was describing me. And others in my family who were agonizing over our hurt. I knew if she could understand the depth of our suffering, then there would be a depth of hope offered as well.
Cynthia’s books are always filled with hope and this book brings hope and healing. It offers new life for the wounded. It shows how to mend the brokenness and transform it into something of beauty.
My story isn’t beautiful yet. It isn’t finished. There is still hurt, but I am encouraged again. I am hopeful. This book tugged me back to a place where I can trust God no matter what. I will use the tools suggested to move forward.
Tattered and Mended by Cynthia Ruchti is like poetry for the hurting. It soothes, uplifts, teaches, and encourages. If you are hurting or know someone who is, this book is for you. It reminds us that God wants us to live whole and mended.

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