Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Book Reveiw- Restoring Christmas

Restoring Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti is a book that touched my soul. It is the perfect Christmas book filled with emotion, tradition, and hope. It touches on so many different kinds of relationships, good and difficult. It shows there can be healing when there is caring and persistence.

I love home improvement shows and fix-it shows. This book is based on a designer trying to get her own show by doing a home makeover at Christmastime. As with any makeover of an older home, not every thing goes right, plus the homeowner is not on board with the designer's ideas. She is an older woman resistant to change and stuck in the past in many ways. How does Alexis connect with her? Plus the videographer she hired hurts his back and the son shows up to take his place. Can Gabe do a good enough job? Will he quit talking and using Christmas references long enough to do what he is supposed to do? The house makeover ends up being much more than just a home. 

The story has so much depth and makes you realize what Christmas is truly about. It made me really think.

What is truly important at Christmas? We celebrate Christ's birth, but the gifts we give are to show the love He has gifted us with. They may be wrapped in paper under the tree, but they may be time, understanding, a listening ear, encouragement, humor, or other things. His love can be expressed so many ways.  His love is  given selflessly and with the other person's best interest at heart.

Cynthia's book showed me that selfless love in so many ways. It challenged me and encouraged me. It made me want to reach out to others. This is a book I will read again and again.

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