Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Review: Walk It Out by Tricia Goyer

This book is a challenge to walk out in your life what God’s Word says. Yet it is not a treatise just telling you what to do, but rather an honestly told story of what that looks like in the author’s life. Tricia Goyer shows how it played out in her life as she has done this. She doesn’t pretend that it is all easy or fun, but it is an adventure lived out with God providing what you need as you step out in faith. Her story is real and genuine, expressing her trials and how she overcame them. She speaks truth and love, and you know God is there with her in it all. Tricia’s story touches my heart as there are so many relatable things in her life that are like mine. I felt what she was saying. It made me pause to evaluate and think and pray. Tricia challenges the reader to find out what God is saying to them and then to obey for a most fulfilling life. Not only will your life be changed, but you may touch others’ lives as you walk out God’s calling in your life. This book is a foundation to knowing how to step out and follow God’s plans.
While the above paragraph is my published review, I want to say more about this book. This book speaks to my heart as Tricia is an adoptive mother and so am I. She homeschools. Me, too! She is a writer and I am a wanna-be writer...She has her grandma living with her and I had my grandpa live with us for a time. She speaks in words I understand with emotions I have felt. She has felt despair and wondered if she was on the right track. I know  those feelings, too. She has risen above her trials and has moved forward as God has continued to use her. I want that victory too. I do not want to get stuck in Satan's lies that tell me if I failed, I am no longer able to serve God or walk out His Word. I do not want to be deceived into believing I can not do anything for Him.

God is using this book to challenge me right where I am to look for where He wants me to serve Him next. If you read this book, let me know if you are challenged to see where God will lead you next.

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