Friday, August 18, 2017


Waiting is hard! And everyday we wait on something or someone. I am not always the most patient person. I don't like to wait. Sometimes I try hard to wait patiently. I stand in line and can even let someone go in front of me. I can wait at stoplights without honking or yelling. I can wait for a friend to call or text or answer me. But some things are harder to wait for.

 I hate to wait for test results after a medical procedure. I don't like waiting to hear news that my grandson has arrived! I want to know now!

I don't like waiting for problems to be resolved or relationships restored. I don't want to wait to see if my son will do what is right or my daughter will return to her faith. I want to fix things. I want to jump in and try to make things better. I want my sister to care about me again, instead of hate me. I want to heal rifts and make everything better. Yet it is not within my power to do so. I must wait for them to want a change, too. I must wait for God to work in their hearts.

Everyday we wait. We wait for meals, for water to boil... We wait for the mail. We wait for someone to come home. We wait to take medicine. We wait for the phone to ring. We wait for a favorite program. We wait for what is next in our day, our week, our life.

Some of our waiting is done in anticipation of something good. I love to plan trips and then wait and plan for when we can go. I am waiting to see how God will work in my 2 youngest daughters' lives as they live for Him. I look forward to seeing how God will want us to serve Him next. I eagerly wait to spend time with my husband because I love him. Some waiting is a joy, an expectation of good to come.

Yet most waiting requires something of us. God tells us to wait patiently. He says to be strong and to let your heart take courage. God tells us when we wait on him we shall renew our strength.

What are you waiting for? Are you waiting patiently? Are you anticipating God with you in the waiting? I do best in my waiting if I am trusting Him and casting all my cares on Him. My patience grows as I trust, as I hope in Him. God will give you the strength you need in the times of waiting. Let Him be there for you. 

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