Monday, August 6, 2012

Seasons of Life

I have been aware for a long time that we have different seasons of life, but in the last few years it has been more obvious to me. How many times have I reminded one of my complaining children that this, too, will pass as it is only for a season? And as I have reminded them, I was reminding myself!

I have had a son deployed and he is just recently home. It seemed like he was gone a long time, but now that he is home, life at their house takes on its new normal. Another son had an injury that changed his last year, but it is now healed and he is back to work. One of my daughters just finished college and though she celebrates that, she is waiting to see what is next. Each has gone through a season of change and now each one is going through a different phase of life.

For my husband and I, we are in the stage of not having any parents here on earth anymore. We are facing what that feels like. We have been caretakers for the last 6 years or so and now we are not, at least not in the same sense. We are still trying to think what that means to our lives. I no longer have to take anyone to Dr. appointments or cook extra meals or grocery shop for someone else. We can plan a vacation without worrying about someone's health. But it is too soon for us to fully realize those changes yet. We haven't planned that vacation or found the extra time we would have used doing things for or with them. We are still not accustomed to this new season. We haven't learned how to function in this new season yet.

Each season has its challenges, and its gifts. I work hard at finding something to be grateful for in each season. It helps me to be more content. Being thankful makes life more enjoyable. Even the challenges can be good as they make us grow in ways we wouldn't otherwise.

Recognizing there are seasons of life helps us to face the hardships, knowing they won't go on forever.Times of uncertainty will pass. We can anticipate good times ahead and we can look forward to the changes that life will bring. The seasons of life keep us from being bored. We  know that with time there will be different things to face, different people to interact with, and different problems to solve.

I like the idea of seasons of life. I have lived all my life in a place where there are four distinct seasons. We definitely have a spring, summer, fall, and winter! Temperatures change drastically, from way below 0 to triple digits in the summer. People complain about the extremes and wish for the opposite every season. We joke about missing the snow or missing the heat, but both will come in their season. Change will happen. It is said that if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes! Just as in weather, changes will happen in life, too. Whatever you are going through right now, it won't last forever. It is only for a season. And no matter what it is, God goes with you through it, if you want Him to.  He is the stability in the midst of change. He is what you can cling to. He will give you strength and make you able to face what is before you. Knowing that puts joy in my heart.

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