Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Goal I Can't Do

I set a goal for myself to go to bed by 10:30pm. That way I could get up earlier. This is hard for me as I am a night person and definitely don't like morning! If morning came later in the day, it would be fine! I would like it better. I love sunsets, not really sunrises...

My body apparently thinks it needs 9 hours of sleep to be happy. If I turn my alarm off, I will sleep 9 hours. If I go to bed too late, I will get up later unless I force myself to listen to the alarm. I am trying to get up early enough to exercise 30 minutes and to read my Bible before I start with Janaya's school. Of course, I also have to eat breakfast and shower before that. Sometimes I tell her to go ahead and start Math and I will be there soon! Her Math is on the computer, so not specifically taught by me. She can do it without much input fom me.

I really do try to meet this goal. I try to go to bed earlier. I pack my husband's lunch right after supper. I get Janaya to bed, but then I need to feed the dog, let the dog out, start the dishwasher(after loading the final dishes), shut the lights out, turn off the computer and whatever else is on, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. It's finally quiet in the house. So I might sit down for a few minutes and sometimes I get distracted by a book or magazine or my Kindle. I'll just read a little bit... Just a little bit more...One more page or one more chapter...And next thing I know, it's later than I planned. I missed my goal again.

I will keep working on it, but this one is tough for me. What do you think? How do I fix this one? Or do I give up and just let it be the way it is? I am not sure if meeting this goal will give me more joy for the heart or if missing it will!? :-)

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