Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stay at Home Mom

I have been a stay at home mom for most of my children's growing up years. I really have not worked out of the home since I have had children except for a year long stint as a Pampered Chef consultant and just some brief day to day things. I have done day care in my home two different times, too. But mostly, I have been home,not working for someone else, and for the last 24 years, I have been homeschooling. I only have one now, but have had 5 at one time, too.

What have I sacrificed to be home? I had always hoped to go back to college, but either haven't had the time or money to do so. I haven't had a career. We haven't had the extra income a job would have provided .

But I have loved being home! I feel privileged to have been home all these years. Being at home has offered me so much flexibility to do all the things I want to do. It is as simple as getting up when I want to. I am not a morning person and if I want/need to sleep longer, I can! If I want to exercise 45 minutes instead of 30, I can. I can choose what I want to do during the day. I can write. I can bake bread. I can make from-scratch meals because I have time. If I want to work on crafts or sewing, I can. I get to write. I can take a break and read. I can spend unlimited moments with my child/children. I can read my Bible as long as I want.

Being at home gave me the opportunity to be involved in politics. I was a campaign chair for our state senator and I could give it the time it needed. I  was available to make calls, do correspondence, meet with people, go to events, whatever needed to be done. (And he won!)

I have been a part of the leadership of our local homeschool coop for years. Now my adult son is teaching at it.

I am able to volunteer in areas I wouldn't be able to if I were on a time clock. I was able to take our elderly parents to Dr. appointments and to sit with them for hours on end as they were dying. I can make other people a priority as needed.

I get to babysit for my grandchildren and spend time with other family members, friends, and neighbors. I can talk on the phone, read my email, check Facebook, and Twitter. I listen to Christian radio and watch a movie on lunch break with my daughter(sometimes).

Who says being a stay at home mom is boring? It is full of opportunities! In fact, it is so full that I have to keep a detailed calendar so I know what is next. I also have to prioritize because since I am home others think I have all the time in the world so  I can do what they want. It's a balance as is all of life. I have to be careful not to fill my day with frivolous pursuits and to use my time wisely. But I know I am blessed to be home and I am thankful to my husband for working so hard so I can have this opportunity. He provides the income so I can be at home. I do what I can to be thrifty and to save money, too. I try to do my part.

Being home is a privilege and I am honored to get to live this life. I enjoy it. I embrace this life God has given me. I haven't missed out on anything. I have gained so much being with my children, caring for others, homeschooling and being available. It is the best life! (for me, at least!)

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