Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Boredom? Never!

Recently someone commented on their kids being bored in the summer, almost wishing for school to fill their time. I couldn't relate. Bored rarely happens at my house. Sometimes there is a
restlessness when nothing in particular appeals at  the moment... Or when something elusive  is tugging at us to do or try something different. That restlessness often just means we need to get out of the house or we should do something new.

I don't understand being bored. There's never enough time to do all we want to do. Sometimes it's a matter of not being able to choose how to spend any extra time. Occasionally we choose to sit back and relax. We may appear bored, but ahh... to just do nothing is a blessing. We all need to refuel and rest, too.

How do we keep from being bored? First, we love to read. There is always a new book to fall into and explore. There are whole other worlds to be a part of. We can go to other time periods, places, and have experiences with people we would otherwise never meet! We like fiction, biographies, non-fiction, magazines, newspapers, blogs, Facebook...Did I mention we really like reading?

We also like to create. We sew, cook, bake, do crafts, garden some and more. We each have our own specialties and enjoy a variety of activities.

We also like to travel. We camp, visit historical sites, attend local festivals and fairs. We love seeing new places and people.

The outdoors are great to explore, too. We ride motorcycles, dirt bikes, and 4-wheelers. We hike and swim. We boat and go tubing behind it. We occasionally take out a canoe, a paddle boat, or sailboat. Sometimes we fish. The girls like to bicycle. The guys hunt. There is so much to enjoy outside!

Volunteering keeps us from being too me-centered so we look for ways to be involved in our community and church. We are also very politically involved. One of my daughters hopes to help with a local community project; another helped out at the library recently. We like to serve. We meet new people with common interests. It's a great way to use your time.

We also like to have company. Whether it's family or friends, our house is always opening itself to guests. We enjoy people so are blessed by those who come to visit.

Of course, we have the everyday chores to do, too. Laundry doesn't do itself nor do dishes wash themselves. We like to eat so meals must be cooked. The grass keeps growing and the dust multiplies. Our everyday work must happen, too, but we often share the tasks and that helps!

Ohh... We like to write, too! We blog, write in journals, FB, etc.. We play BOGGLE, Words With Friends, Scrabble, Bananagrams, and other word games. We like words.

Bored? Rarely! Indecisive about what to do? Sometimes! There's always something calling to us!

What about you? Do you get bored? How do you solve it?

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