Monday, November 3, 2014

A Day Without My Phone

A Day Without My Phone

Yesterday I hurriedly got ready for church and grabbed everything I needed for the day. We were not only going to church, but to a house showing with our son, a political rally, shopping, and back to church for a celebration. I brought extra clothes and shoes. I grabbed treats for my grandchildren. I had my Bible, and my book. I got a water bottle.  I made sure I had a warmer jacket in the car. I thought I had everything I needed until we got about halfway there. I didn’t have my phone.

Now I am notorious for putting my phone in the wrong pocket or bag so when I said that I had forgotten it, someone always calls it so I can find it. My husband’s phone rang and rang to no avail. We didn’t hear mine. I really didn’t have it. Since we were 15 miles from home, we were not going back for it. I could get along without it for a day. Right?

I borrowed my husband’s phone to let my son know I didn’t have mine and if he needed to contact us, he should contact his dad. We got to church and we didn’t know whether to save seats for my son and family. My daughter texted my daughter-in-law to see if they were coming to church. When church got over, there was a lunch afterwards. I had to check my daughter’s phone to check the time to see if we had time to eat before the showing. Then we needed the address for the house showing. Again I used my husband’s phone. I don’t wear a watch anymore so I use my phone for the time and so I didn’t know the time all day.

We got to the political rally and I couldn’t take pictures, facebook it, or tweet about it without my phone.  Fortunately others took pictures and sent them to me later.

During the church service, a former worship leader mentioned he used to be in a band. I so wanted to look him up, but no phone, no internet.

After the service, we decided to go eat. I couldn’t look up the hours of the restaurant, coupons, specials, or anything. We chose a restaurant that I had a printed coupon for.

When we got home, I immediately went in and found my phone. It was sitting on the bed where I left it. I had only one missed call. (from my husband when he was checking to see if I really had left it!) There were a few Facebook notifications, new tweets, but nothing earth shattering that I couldn’t miss.  I had survived a whole day without my phone! Sure glad my daughter and  my husband had theirs!

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