Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

                Thanksgiving time puts our focus on giving thanks. And on food! Before we pray and eat our dinner, we say something we are thankful for. It’s the usual things mentioned:  family, food, home, etc… We always tease our son-in-law that he says the same thing every year, but he does it unapologetically. It’s always his wife and children. Even though we tease, it is sweet because he is genuine in being thankful for them.

                Learning to be thankful is important because as we are thankful we become more content. When we are truly thankful, we need less. We want less. Because we recognize all we have, we don’t have to focus on getting more. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is crucial to being happy and satisfied.

                What are we thankful for? What am I thankful for? We can say family, friends, home, vehicles, food, but can we be more specific? I am particularly thankful for a warm home, a spouse who cuts, splits and carries wood for my woodstove. I don’t like winter so this is vital to me. I am thankful for my children, but this year I want to say I am thankful for my adopted children whom God has used to teach me how He has adopted me into His family. I am also extremely blessed in that I have had in-laws I have loved and do love. Our family is enriched because of them. I have a teen daughter and a young adult daughter who like to be with me and do things with me. What fun we have together! There are so many other things I take for granted each day and don’t appreciate fully. I so enjoy a cup of hot tea in the morning, and a good book or my Kindle with it make it better. I love that my dishwasher has cleaned my dirty dishes while I sleep. A hot shower wakes me up and ready to face the day. My phone keeps me connected to friends and family on Facebook and with emails and texts. I can type on my computer and the internet lets me do my banking, helps me shop, and post on my blog. I am grateful for my clothes- that I have what I need for our variety of climates.  I am thankful my husband has a job. (And I don’t!) I am blessed he provides so well for us. I love having antiques and items of beauty around me to feed my soul. My life is so good and I recognize this as I start counting my blessings.

 When I am thankful, I start smiling because I know how pleasing my life is. It is not perfect. I have bad days, too. I have bad moments in every day. But cultivating that attitude of thankfulness pushes out the grudges, the “poor me” feelings, the frustrations, and even anger. You can’t be truly thankful and not feel positive about life. You will see good in something if you have a grateful spirit.

An attitude of gratitude is an exercise in liking your life. It is trusting God and seeing how He has blessed you. I am thankful we have at least a day to reflect on this. Happy thanksgiving! Give thanks!

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