Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Living in Disconnect

I clicked on it yesterday - Disconnect. And something in my brain clicked, too. Although I meant to disconnect my computer from the internet, I had this instant heart check with the word. That's how I feel! I am on disconnect...

 First it was with my church. We haven't been able to attend lately so that doesn't help. We live 30 miles away. I don't have a ministry there.

Then it has been with a couple of my closest friends. It isn't anything bad between us (I don't think.) Busy-ness, family commitments, and other situations have just taken up the time we would have spent together. I realized summer is half gone and I haven't had lunch or coffee with any friends. And many of our family outings have been obligations rather than just spontaneous get-togethers.

Worse yet, I feel like I am in a spiritual desert. While I am still praying, I am not sure I am listening well. I am not reading my Bible enough. I know it so why haven't I changed the situation? I think the drink I need is just out of my reach. I am tired. I am thirsty. I am weary. But I am surviving. And I will come out of the desert. I have before and God will give me the strength to do so. I know this so I am waiting. I don't know what it will take to make me reach for the Living Water I need. I have tried. It doesn't make sense, but if you are honest, you may have felt this way yourself sometimes somewhere.

I wish the answer was as easy as  my internet connection. After I hit Disconnect, I reached out and hit Connect again. It was instant. It happened. I know God is within reach, too. I know He is there for me. I know He hears me.  I need His Spirit so I hear Him as well. One of these days I will let you know that I am Connected again, on the same frequency with my Lord. One of these days soon we will be sharing the joys of my heart once more.

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