Friday, July 27, 2012

Why I Am Involved In Politics

Why I am Involved in Politics

Many of my friends and family don’t understand my passion for politics. Sometimes I don’t. It takes a lot of my time, energy, and resources to be involved at the capacity I am involved. My life is very regimented and scheduled during a campaign year, and I am not even a candidate. I am a volunteer. I don’t get paid. I do it because I must.

I must do it because I am passionate about my faith, my values, and my family. I want good candidates that will become good legislators because of those same things. I want people of faith that stand with me in supporting my values. I want to make a difference for my family and I can do that at a grass roots level making policy and helping to choose good candidates. I want our liberties defended and our freedoms maintained. I want my grandchildren to grow up in a country that they can be proud of.

I must be involved because God has given me this passion and the abilities to do the job before me. I feel called to step out unafraid and to speak boldly, but in love with compassion.

I must be involved because you aren’t. At least you aren’t doing my job! You may be doing something and, for that, I am very grateful. But many do nothing but complain. We need more activists. We need people to stand up for what they believe in. Our country and our state are at a crossroads and if we don’t work at keeping our freedoms, they will be lost. Our country will be different than it has been, and not in a good way. As we become more tolerant, we excuse even the worst behavior. We no longer know what is right or wrong. We lose our foundations of faith, family and values.

I don’t want to see that happen so I am involved politically. I am a Republican because their platform is the closest to my values. I support life, marriage between a man and a woman, the right to bear arms, free press, free speech, freedom of religion, and fiscal responsibility. Though every Republican candidate may not support every one of these values, the party stands behind these principles so I stand with them.

I am involved and I hope you might consider being involved, too. Together we can make a difference. We need you. We need your help. Ask me if you want to help. I am a campaign chair and I can always use more volunteers. The other candidates could use your help, too.  We need funds as well. There is much you could do. And if we all did something, much more would get done. If nothing else, at least get out and vote. Get informed, vote your values, and make a difference in that way.  

And in the meantime, don’t look at us who are politically involved as crazy. Smile at us in the parades. Let us put a sign up. Read our letters to the editor. Be glad we are trying to make a difference. It might just be for your good. We do it because we care about people! And people are the joys of my heart!

1 comment:

Mandy H said...

You are involved because you feel God is calling you to be, I also feel God's leading to be involved. Below is a quote I think is appropriate. Sometimes people feel the two need to be seperate. I, instead, agree with this quote.

‘Mr Wilberforce, we understand you are having problems deciding whether to do the work of God or the work of a political activist,’ says Clarkson. ‘We humbly suggest you can do both,’ adds Hannah More.

From the Amazing Grace movie.